Not Putting Yourself First



Hello Friends,

Sorry the delay in my blog posts but ever since my greenhouse got installed all I want to do after work is be in it. I would normally come home and get some house things done, start dinner and then head upstairs to my home office to start a blog post, work on some items behind the website, read emails, work on the business budget, look for inventory, etc. But now I just want to finish the little house things that are on my list and then head to the greenhouse. Once that is done then I want to grab my current book and head to the porch to read. And so, I have been honoring that. 



This photo was taken of me almost 10 years ago at the butterfly gardens here in my city. Finding solitude has been a new thing for me. I mean I have always love solitude but have never sought it. When I was reading my book, this section really stood out to me for some reason. 

“On an airplane the safety video instructs you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping anyone else. Because if you pass out due to lack of oxygen you will not be able to assist others. It is very easy to pay lip service to this concept and another matter entirely actually to act on it. When you go to meditate or practice yoga or go to a cafe to read your favorite magazine, you are taking care of you and nurturing your soul, and this helps everyone around you”.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Now when I read that my old thought tried to creep in. I would picture myself on the plane trying to put my kid’s mask on first thinking, “I can do this and then put mine on”. When in reality I would not. I would have passed out and then my kid would have too and where is the honor in that. For some reason at that moment, my thoughts on self-care were taken seriously! 

A moment that I had recently help pushed this into fruition. I was getting a pedicure at a nail salon unexpectedly. I mean, I got my nails done that day, but my feet were not on the list for that day, and neither was it in my budget. But as I was really enjoying my pedi a thought hit me. “Wait, you should have not gotten this pedi. I mean you just spent money that should have gone to another treatment (waxing) that you have scheduled tomorrow”. Then I thought, now why am I having this treatment? I hate this treatment!!! Why I am spending money on something that I hate and that I don’t consider self-care when I would rather spend that money on a pedi!” 

Self-care should be an activity that I love, and I hate that treatment so at that moment I decided to stop going and to spend my money on something that I love and enjoy! I tell you the moment that I made that decision a burden was immediately lifted off of my chest. Not only did I hate that treatment but I would seriously get anxious whenever I had to go to it! I hated it! 

This was a moment of self-care for me that was needed. So I tell you as someone who has never taken their own self-care seriously, take it seriously. Learn to do things for you because honestly no one else will. If you are a high-performing woman such as myself, start planning days off, treatments or greenhouse time for yourself. I have noticed great differences in my body and mental state. 



(Tip from Dr. Libby Weaver, page 23 in Rushing Woman’s Syndrome)




4 replies
  1. Donya Strong
    Donya Strong says:

    Well said, Mrs. Shockley! I recently planned a day for myself. It was filled with exercise, taking tea time, reading, yoga, meditation, healthy lunch, spending time outside among nature and planning my garden, and prayer. It was by far the best investment I made for in myself in a long time and much needed. At the end I felt as if I had spent the day in the spa!

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Yes! Now that is self-care! I think we desperately need to start focusing on activities such as this. Life has become so difficult, and I am learning a lot about myself and how want to live. Enjoy your self-care days!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Oh Mrs. Shockley yes ma’am. I recently started backing doing my sheet mask for my skin and I purchased a Face Fascia Blaster to help smooth, tighten and tone my skin. I’m making an effort to get up earlier and get fitness in. These little things over time make such a big impact. Great post 💕🌷😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Alright! You are correct! It is the little things. So happy that you are taken care of yourself and getting some fitness in. Way to go!

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