My Greenhouse ~ An Elegant Adventure


Hello Friends!

There have been lots of things going on at my home. This past weekend, I made sure that I took some time to sit on my porch and read. I have been trying to pay more attention to my body and rest. I will share more of this journey in a later blog post. 

June is here already, and I am trying to “encourage” my husband to get some of those summer projects done that have been on my list. One of them was the greenhouse which honestly, I am shocked it got done. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I love it! I have the Meridian Greenhouse from Costco. It has an automatic roof vent opener to help with humidity and heat and is made with certified wood. There are similar ones on Amazon. You can view them here and here



I wanted a hummingbird for the front, but my husband found a bubble bee. What do you all think? Should I keep the bee or get continue the search for a hummingbird? 



I had to add some antiques, so I added some vintage plates and this blue and white head planter. I am not sure what to put in it. I could use it to store some gardening tools or to put some jasmine in. I ordered some of these box planters from Amazon as well. 



I had to add my vintage swan named Charlotte. She fits perfectly in the greenhouse. I have been buying seeds and plants and at this moment I am just trying things out. 


photos via: Mrs. Shockley 


I did a search on Amazon for greenhouse supplies and a few things did pop up. This large repotting mat for planting and mess control was a game changer in helping me work in the greenhouse. You guys know how much I hate Crocs, but I needed a pair of gardening shoes for the greenhouse, and these were comfortable and looked presentable enough for me to wear. I also ordered this indoor thermometer to get an eye out on the temperature in the greenhouse. 



Adding David Austin Roses to my garden has always been a dream so when a co-worker told me that a nursery nearby was selling them, I had to go and take a look. The goal was to only buy one container, but we ended up buying 3. We purchased the Poet’s Wife, the Carding Mill, and the Lady of Shalott climbing rose. 



Walking in my greenhouse each day is such a treat. Seeing my beautiful roses and smelling them, I feel like a little slice of heaven is in my back yard. This past weekend, I potted up my English Lavender seeds, Bunny Tails, and Orlaya Lace. My sweet peas are coming in slowly. I will share those soon. 



My husband come home with a big surprise. We just planted a Magnolia tree next to the greenhouse. I was shocked that my husband wanted a flowering tree. We have named her Belle and hope that she is very happy in her new home. I think it will be so exciting to have another tree in the backyard especially a magnolia tree. 

I have had a few people ask me if I am going to plant tomatoes, and other vegetables but at this moment I don’t want to. I just feel like every time someone says that they are starting a garden people immediately put pressure on them to plant vegetables. Well, I am not going to at this moment. I just want to plant a beautiful garden of flowers and see where that takes me. I hope you have enjoyed this tour of my long-waited greenhouse. It has truly made my days more joyous! 


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5 replies
  1. Donya Strong
    Donya Strong says:

    Mrs. Shockley,

    Your greenhouse is lovely! I pray it brings you any days of joy and peace. It is surely a joy to look at, and I can’t wait to read more about your adventures with it. I am contemplating starting a small kitchen garden with just a few herbs.

    All the best,
    Donya Strong

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Donya!
      Good to hear from you! Thank you for the prayers. I am trying to keep my greenhouse in perspective. I feel like it needs to be perfect now and it does not. This will be a process for sure and I am trying to enjoy the journey. Please share your kitchen garden when you start it.


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  1. […] first favorite is my David Austin Roses. I shared these in my post about my greenhouse earlier this month. They are truly elegant. I love all three of them and they […]

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