June Favorites ~ 2024



Good Morning!

It’s been a moment since I have updated you all on the greenhouse. Well last week was dreadfully hot! I lost some of my plants! It was so horrible. My husband and I still have not found a fan to install in the greenhouse, but we are working on it. I need one badly. I did plant more seeds and got a butterfly bush to put in it but it’s still a work in progress. I also found a small birdcage to place inside of it. I thought a birdcage in it would be wonderful to have. I will share photos later. 

Friends, I must tell you about a movie that a co-worker shared with me recently. It is called Mr. Malcolm’s List. If you are a Bridgerton fan then you will certainly enjoy this movie! I LOVED it and have watched it a few times already. It’s such a treat without all of sex scenes. I am a little tired of that and probably will not continue to watch Bridgerton. It’s just a bit much!

Now let’s get into my favorites for this month…



My first favorite is my David Austin Roses. I shared these in my post about my greenhouse earlier this month. They are truly elegant. I love all three of them and they each have their own scent and a certain charm. Make sure that you watch Nicolas Fairford’s recent video. He actually takes you on a small tour of the original David Austin Rose location in England. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


Second on my list is my personal fan. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE this thing! It’s easy to charge and fits right into your bag or tote. I carry it everywhere. We have had some horribly humid days and having this to refresh me has been a game changer!





Third were these gorgeous pale pink and gold plates from Amazon. I ordered them for a recent baby shower and they were perfect! The quality was unbelievable. Everyone loved them. They came with dinner plates, dessert plates, utensils, napkins, and cups for under $40! 



Oh my goodness! This fantastic blue and white dress from Bloomchic was a steal! It is under $40, available in plus sizes and it’s blue and white. Need I say more. Look at the wonderful details. 



Fifth are my solo dinner meals. Sometimes my daughter goes and has dinner with her friends and my husband runs late while working on projects so I get dinner alone and it’s great! On those nights I make my salmon with lemon and dill, steam rice, and roasted cherry tomatoes with spinach and mushrooms. It is a wonderful self-care moment. 



As I mentioned in my greenhouse post I had to get some garden shoes and these shoes have turned out to be the best thing for me while I am gardening. They are perfect. Easy to slip on and comfy! Now I don’t wear these any other place but my garden and the greenhouse. 



My seventh are these newly launched scarf ties from Sarah Flint. They can be worn in multiple ways. Around your neck, bag, wrist, you name it! The pattern is lovely and classic. 


photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


This was another OMG moment. I was a little unsure about this mouse pad but when I saw how much it was, I figured why not order it. It’s outstanding! I love it. It will be my travel mousepad while I am on my work trips. It’s easy to pack away and extremely chic! Order while you can! 



These days are hot and I love having my Notiq water bottle. I have the large you can order the small. Both are very becoming. I am telling you people will ask you about it. I always get asked about it. It also comes with its own bottle cleaner and is BPA free. Also check out the new arrivals. Like this beautiful blue and white gift box. It’s perfect for putting your gorgeous gifts in and sending it to friends and family. 




Last on my list has been such a gem. I think I shared this in my newsletter last month but finding this was truly incredible. I love having this play on my screen when I am working around my home. I truly does look like a work of art. I would encourage you to take a look at this channel and save all of these beautiful works of art to play on your screen. It will uplift you and bring about elegance in your home. 

As usual I hope you all enjoyed my favorites for this month. I will be sharing my travel favorites soon as I prepare for my work trip to Virigina. Have a wonderful day!


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4 replies
  1. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley!
    As always I enjoyed reading your favorites. I so agree with you about Bridgerton. I really liked it, except for the raunchy scenes. So I stopped watching. I will be watching your recommendation. A nice quiet dinner, occasionally alone sounds lovely. I hope you’re able to figure out the best plants for your greenhouse. I find that plants are trial and error. It’s a beautiful space you have.


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Mya,
      So good to hear from you! I think you will enjoy Mr. Malcolm’s List. It is a wonderful movie. You are so right about plants. They are trial and error. I hope to find my niche soon! Take care!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley. It’s been unbearable in GA with this monstrous heat dome. It feels like deep summer August weather not June weather. This is week 3 of melting heat. I’m really for fall to truth be told lol. I need that purse fan myself. I’m sorry to hear you lost flowers in the greenhouse. It was stifling hot, you’ll get the hang of everything with the plants and greenhouse😉I’ll check out that Mr. Malcolm movie. I never watched Bridgeton. I saw Myka Meier video 3 or so years ago about Bridgeton and I got the feeling it was smut dressed up as Jane Austen. I’ve never watched it and have no plans in doing so. I adore the time period. I don’t want to see explicit behavior. The more I work on developing my relationship with Jesus, I watch my reading materials, tv habits, language and music. I want to reflect what I’m learning if that makes sense.

    I think that mouse pad is adorable, I’ll get that for myself. We recently were told by upper management to return to the office starting in August. We’ve been home for 4 consecutive years working without any interruptions to work flow nor productivity. Everything has been fine and they even stated how absenteeism has been greatly reduced. just can’t believe they are making us come back. I’m thinking now how am I going to dress my cubicle since I will miss my home office. Your meal looked wonderful as well. Enjoy your day💕🌷😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Your explanation of building character for Christ is perfectly understood. I so get it. Once I finished one of the episodes of Bridgerton I felt an uneasiness in my soul. I know exactly what it is. Conviction.
      You will love the Mr. Malcolm’s list movie. The acting was so good, the customs were fantastic and the homes were stately.
      Lucky you being able to work from home all this time! My goodness. I wonder if some “bad eggs” in your office ruined it by behavior or work productivity. You never know.
      Decorating your cubicle, you help you ease back into the office. I decorated my space and love being there. Good luck!


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