Smelling the Garden in Winter

Hello Friday! It has been a brutal week weather-wise here in Indiana. On Wednesday the windchill factor was -35! But we had it easy compared to Minnesota whose windchill factor was -65!! Good golly!

So cold! I keep telling myself, “okay the nurses at my daughter’s school said years ago that we need things to freeze so that they may die”. Okay, are they dead yet because it’s COLD! Alright, let’s move on. I am looking forward to spring as many of you are and my favorite company has delivered a little bit of it already.

I went online a few days ago to check out new scents at Bath and Body Works and discovered beautifully decorated candles and wonderful new scents. I was so excited!

First things first, they brought back an oldie but goodie flower shop! I was so happy to see this candle. I had to purchase at least two for right now. My candle is the plain white one at the bottom. I must admit I hated that x and o wrapping on it. That was hideous to me so I had to take it off. Other than that I am so happy to have my favorite return. 
The next scent that I purchased was water hyacinth. I believe this is a new scent and is absolutely wonderful if you like hyacinth, bergamot, and water lily. Very refreshing, fragrant and just look at the wrapping. Very chic!
And many of you may have already seen this photo on my Instagram account but this is the last fragrance that I purchased and it is called garden greenery. It is lovely and just look at the wrapping on this? Gorgeous right? The notes in this candle are apricot, fresh basil, and bright mint leaves. The apricot is strong in this one but it is lovely. 
I also purchased cucumber lily a few weeks ago and loved that one too! The notes in that candle are fresh cucumber, green tea, and lily of the valley. All of the candles have essential oils and burn very well. Love seeing all of the floral wrapping on these candles. Makes it a joy to look at them too!
Well, I hope that you enjoyed this post and that if you are in a cold climate like me I hope that these floral candles helped you to forget what horrible wind is lurking outside. Enjoy your weekend!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. June
    June says:

    Mrs Shockley it is certainly not cold here in Australa. We have just had the hottest January on record, with some parts of the country recording 45 Celsius for days in a row. The humidity is horrible with drought,bush fires and some flooding, but virtually no rain in most areas. I would love to be cold enough to put on a sweater at the moment! June

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello June!
      Oh gosh… that sounds awful. So sorry for your drought. I hope you get rain soon. I try to tell my husband that some people would actually enjoy this weather. I actually don't mind the winter. It's just when it gets to the negatives… it can be a little rough. Praying for relief for everyone!

  2. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,

    These candles are so pretty! Thanks to you, I am now addicted to Fresh Cut Lilacs. I stock up on sales with coupons, so I can start Spring early. The single wicks always sell out the fastest.

    Also, I blessed you yesterday. I was in and out of the car with that awful black slush all over my boots. Even being careful to keep it on the bound carpet samples I put over my mats in the winter, I dripped onto my 'car carpet'. I was so happy to have my lovely paper napkins in the glove compartment to blot up the drops before they did any damage. Many thanks for that brilliant idea.

    Warmer days ahead….Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Oh my goodness Kathleen! You made me smile. I showed my daughter your comment. I said, "see, some people like my "mom" ideas". Thank you for this wonderful comment. Sometimes it's hard to believe that you can inspire anyone with anything but this melts my heart. Thank you once again.

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