Quiet Dining on the Porch… Why Not?

I am so frustrated with myself. Last summer I made a goal to go on a picnic. I did not reach that goal so I am setting it again for this year. I would like to go on at least one picnic. I think that would be a nice way to spend a quiet Sunday.

One day this past week I was thinking about all of the porch sitting that my husband and I did this past spring and summer and I thought, “we should eat outside more this year”. I don’t know why we don’t. Maybe the humidity but for the most part it gets pretty warm here and stays warm in the evenings.

I really just want a cozy small table that I can put on our porch. Something like the photo above. So beautiful, comfortable and most importantly quiet. I just want to listen to the air around me. 
Dinner for two or maybe one. Sometimes my husband has projects that keeps him away for a day or two. Maybe one night I could have a quiet dinner outside alone. Honestly, that would not bother me at all. 
Or maybe a lunch with my daughter. I love the tablecloth in this photo. 
Love this table setting! This would be nice for a ladies lunch. That is something that I have always wanted to do. A ladies lunch….
We were recently leaving the Cheesecake Factory and this restaurant has a lot of outdoor dining. I was thinking about doing that this year too. Eating outside. I think that would be great!
Well I am going to make sure that I put these ideas into my planner and we will see what this year unfolds. Enjoy your weekend! 
(photos via Pinterest)

4 replies
  1. lady jicky
    lady jicky says:

    Its summer here and I could eat outside but …. the flies and if I decided to eat at night out come the huge mosquito's !!
    Oh dear… I am not very "romantic" am I !!! LOL
    Next Thursday will be 40c – 104f I will be inside with the aircon. and my little dog !! LOL

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Oh I so agree with you! The bugs we had made me think twice about eating outside too! This past summer our mosquitoes were the size of salad plates! They were huge! But I promised myself that I would be more brave this year and at least have one picnic and dine outside at least twice. So we will see…

  2. Katy
    Katy says:

    If you set up a fan then that should help deal with the threat of mosquitos. Citronella candles help too. When we were on holiday in Vietnam last year (a mosquito filled place if ever there was one) this is what the local people did to combat them. Plus the fan makes one more comfortable in the humidity too!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Katy,
      That sounds like a wonderful idea! Setting up a fan…. hummmm that might work! I had the citronella candles already on my list but thank you for the idea about the fan.

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