Have a Lovely Christmas

photo credit Dilayara Garifullina 
It’s Friday!!! Yeah! I have a 5-day weekend ahead of me and I am soooo looking forward to it. Christmas is in a few days and I am looking forward to spending time with my family. I have such a busy schedule for the next few days so I am going to take some time off from the blog. My day designer is packed with ideas and tasks that I want to complete for the next few days.

I am hosting Christmas Eve dinner with my husband’s family. His grandfather passed away earlier this year and his 88-year-old grandmother always cooks Christmas Eve dinner for us so this year I decided to take the reigns since it has been such a rough year for her. I am hoping that this will help her a little. This has been her first holiday season without Grandpa Leroy. It’s going to be different for us all.

One of my co-workers shared this recipe with me. It is called slow cooker pumpkin white hot chocolate. I am really looking forward to making this for Christmas Eve dinner so fingers crossed! I know that it sounds like it should be more of a fall kind of drink but why not. 

I hope that you all enjoy your holidays with your families and thank you all for reading my blog. Honestly, I have my moments when I don’t feel inspired and don’t want to write anymore but I keep going because I want to stay committed to what I am doing and I love meeting new like-minded friends on here. 

Please enjoy your holidays and Merry Christmas! See you in January!
(photos via Pinterest)
4 replies
  1. Gloria
    Gloria says:

    Mrs Shockley,
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas! The pumpkin white hot chocolate looks good!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Gloria,
      You have a wonderful Christmas too! I sure hope that white hot chocolate turns out good. We will see!

  2. June
    June says:

    Hi Mrs Shockley I have greatly enjoyed your blog throughout the year. Have a lovely Xmas with the family. June

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi June,
      Thank you for stopping by and for being a reader of my blog. It sure is nice to know that people are enjoying the content. A Merry Christmas to you and yours!

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