Organizing My Monthly Expenses

I have been discussing routines and trying to stay organized here on the blog for some time now. I just realized that there is one thing that I have not shared and that is how I organize my monthly expenses.



Light Bill

Car Insurance 

Water Bill

Home Depot Card 





This is an example of what I use to organize our monthly expenses. I just use a basic table on Microsoft Word and type in the amounts. I do this every week. I like to know what’s going out and what’s coming in.

I remember hearing this phrase in church, “know the state of your flock”, and I knew immediately what that meant. Shepherds always knew how many sheep they had and what state they were in. So we as individuals need to be aware of our flock. 

photo credit Tuft and
I still receive paper bills. I have not moved our bills to email or receiving them electronically yet. It is very easy for me to delete an email and I am so afraid that I would delete a bill. I am also not comfortable with automatic withdrawals from our account. 
I still like to have some control over our accounts and I like to be able to pay our bills from our account. I don’t like the idea of a company withdrawing money without me seeing it. So if that is something that you do and are okay with it then good for you. I am not quite there yet. Sorry….
When our mail comes in I open it and then place new bills in my bill organizer on my desk at home and it looks very similar to the one above. 
Wednesday is “bill” day. I then plug in all the bills that are due for the next coming week, add them up and then log in the dates on my calendar on my cell phone. I set up reminders to get notifications of when a bill is due and that is it. 

photo credit Anthropologie 

After the bill is paid I do print off the email and place it in that bill’s folder in my drawer. Sorry I know that sounds like a lot of work but I guess it is the paralegal quality in me. At the beginning of each year, I do go in and throw away the previous year of bills.

But I can tell you how much we spend on our bills, I know about all of the expenses in our home. I know the “state of our flock”. Everyone has a different way of organizing their monthly expenses. Do what works for you and your home. I just wanted to share how I organize ours. I do hope that you may have found something useful out of my super long process. Being organized is a quality that a lot of people admire and it is another way of being elegant.

Enjoy your day!

(photos via Pinterest)

3 replies
  1. maria jones
    maria jones says:

    Hi Mrs Shockley,

    I cannot believe that you have wrote about this, before internet banking came along, i used to get paid, have a purse with my shopping money in & a purse with my petrol money in for the month. I would then take a percentage of what was me left over & pop it into a savings account . Then remainder was for me to do as i pleased.

    However ……fast forward 8 yrs later, yes my circumstances have changed i have a child & have gone part time in my job. My money is not what it used to Be, i use internet banking & my debit card 80% of the time.
    Reality of this Is, i couldn't tell you what my monthly expenditure on petrol, food, miscellaneous items etc, which have resulted in my savings account going from £9000 to £100 as it stands today!!!

    So last month 1st Oct i decided to go back to my old ways & use cash only & I can honestly say it really does make you think twice before handing over cash as opposed to a card .
    I'm going to stick to this method again now & get more day with my hard earned cash. May just try a spread sheet next month too.

    Thank you once again for your great posts & insight on the way you handle your finances.

    Have a great wkend 💕
    Maria (uk) xxxx

  2. maria jones
    maria jones says:

    Sorry for the spelling mistakes it was supposed to say *get more savvy* with my hard earned cash 🙄

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hi Maria,
      Those old ways of money managing are tried and true! They work. It is so easy to get yourself in trouble with these debit cards. I agree with you. I have been trying to carry more cash lately. I had some friends tell me that I do too much work but I don't find my way of money managing hard at all so that is why I say do what works for you. I hope that you try a spreadsheet. You may find it helpful. Please let me know if you do and thank you again for stopping by and reading my blog!

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