Mrs. Meyer’s Natural Detergent ~ My Review

So as I mentioned last week I have been really inspired by Jennifer L. Scott’s reviews on natural home products. In July she did a review on Mrs. Meyer’s laundry detergent.  So again I became very intrigued and quite curious.

I went to my local grocery store and purchased the lavender scent detergent. It smells wonderful and is very concentrated. Now I will be fair and say that once the clothes were put into the dryer the smell does disappear a little but it is still a wonderful detergent. 
I have been using it all week and do enjoy it. The only con is that it is quite expensive! I paid $15 for one bottle. That is double what I normally pay but I wanted to give it a chance and see what it was like using a natural detergent. We have very sensitive skin in my home and it does not take much to get a rash from using a different detergent. 
I have really enjoyed Jennifer’s reviews and have loved learning about natural home products. If you want to watch the video you may see it below. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)