Recent Home To-Do’s


Good Morning Everyone,

And ready set go…. we’re in August! I have been trying to find ways to improve our home life. Well… maybe improve home life for me. Since I have been working from home since March (I can’t believe it) I have been taking a second look at my home.

Now I can tackle those small projects or try to come up with ways to make things more efficient or more organized. I recently organized the freezer. Our top drawer was always a mess.

This is what it looked like before. It was such a mess and my husband would just dump food here. 

I went to HomeGoods and found these great and affordable plastic bins to use to organize the food. They were only $7.99 for this stack of four. Fantastic right?

Here is what it looks like now. I love it. Now we can see everything that we have and not keep buying extra items we don’t need. This was a quick and cheap fix. I should have done it sooner! 

My family and I have also been on this biscuit kick. I don’t know why but we all have been craving these and wanting them with dinner. These are bad to eat but they taste so wonderful!

Fresh flowers have still been a go-to for me. I can’t start my week without them. I must have them around. Either a small bouquet on the dinner table or a bouquet in the office. Flowers, flowers, they make me happy!


So my second order from Grove Collaborative arrived. I ordered the ginger Method Squirt mop cleaner, Mrs. Meyer’s cream baking soda cleaner, and two bottles of Mrs. Meyer’s room freshener spray. I love all of these products. I just went and checked my account for the next order and they are debuting the Mrs. Meyer’s mum scent! I can’t wait to try that! If you wish to take an interest in Grove here is my referral link. I hope you enjoy the products! 

I also changed my cleaning schedule. I use to clean on the weekends and it just drove me nuts! I wanted my weekends free to run my errands or maybe attend a farmers market or an antique store. So I have changed my schedule to include one chore or two chores each day to accomplish. By the end of the week, the areas that need to be taken care of are finished and I have a free weekend. Now don’t get me wrong I still have the basics, like washing dishes and making the bed but the house has been staying quite tidy this way. 

During my breaks, I still find time to go outside on the front porch and read my book. I am still reading the Signature of All Things. It has been a wonderful book. I don’t read much fiction but this book I have really enjoyed! 

And lastly, our daughter has started school. We are starting with a hybrid school year so it will be a challenge to us both. I will be micro-managing her classes and work. She is not happy with my new role but I need to keep tabs or her. She has a hard time staying focused and I believe the extra support will help. 

I hope you all are staying safe and taking care of your homes. Don’t forget to take time out for yourself. I always pick a day each week to go window shopping or run an errand to someplace I would enjoy. Happy moms and wives make the world go round!

Have a great Monday!! 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    Ohhh..your daughter is so beautiful, just like her mom. I love her hair. And your boxer, he is quite handsome. It's always fun to me when my favorite bloggers share their home life.

    The Mrs. Meyers floor cleaner is great for in between deep mopping, especially with dogs and kids. I will try that scent. I have only used the Almond one. I agree about the cleaning. I started a cleaning routine very similar to yours. A little bit everyday so I don't burn myself out on my days off. And so that I can actually have some free

    Take care,


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hey Mya,
      Thank you for considering me a favorite and thank you for the lovely compliment about my daughter. That is always nice to hear. I love my boxers but it's a lot of work trying to keep the house clean around them.
      I hope you try the Mrs. Meyer's cleaner. It is so nice. I just used the cream baking soda cleaner in our bathrooms yesterday. I love it! I had our daughter use it in hers and she said she loved the smell so thumbs up!
      Changing my cleaning schedule has been everything. It is so nice waking up on Saturday knowing that I don't have to do a bunch of cleaning. It's wonderful!

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