Our Meander to Rainbow Row

It has been three weeks since we have returned home from Charleston and I am still thinking of it. It was such a magical place to me. I was so content just walking around and looking at all of the homes. It was splendid….

Before getting to Rainbow Row, we decided to park the truck and walk around the neighborhood. Pink houses were everywhere and I wanted to take a picture of each one of them. 

Everyone seem to have planter boxes outside their windows. A lot of people had fresh jasmine! You could smell it down the street. 

So colorful and vibrant.
Such a gorgeous neighborhood. It is shocking to know that in 1778 a fire destroyed most of this neighborhood. 
We turned the corner and there it was…… Rainbow row. 
My daughter and I just walked up and down the street looking at all of the pretty pastel colors. 

One of my favorite snapshots from the neighborhood. I love this picture! I can’t believe that I took it!
Such a nice area and a beautiful day weather wise. I thought that it was going to rain but I am glad that it didn’t. I really enjoyed looking at these homes and sharing this moment with my family. 
Another place that we stopped by the day before was Sullivan Island beach. It was so quiet and secluded. Although we did not have much sun it was the best day to go because it was the coolest day of the week. I am glad that we were able to see it!

We really enjoyed the beach and loved the place where we had lunch. We ended up eating at Poe’s Taven for lunch and stopped and grabbed some of the best ice cream at Republic Ice Cream. On our way back to the hotel my husband was gracious enough to let me stop at a few consignment stores. I refrained and did not purchase anything but it was nice seeing and visiting these places. 
Thanks for reading!!!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)