Exploring Charleston

We have returned home and I am sad. I have not stopped thinking about Charleston since we left. It has only been a few days and I MISS it desperately. I am serious. I really loved the homes, the gardens, the details in all the architecture, but mainly the historic homes.

I am so glad that my husband finally agreed to visit Charleston. It was so worth it to me.

Most of you may have already seen a lot of these photos on my Instagram account. At first I thought maybe I should not write any posts about the trip since some of it was documented on Instagram but I thought that there maybe some people who don’t have social media accounts and just read blogs. 

This was our first day in Charleston. The area is called Colonial Lake. It was a suggestion from Julia and what a great suggestion. We walked around the entire area and looked at all the homes for free!!!

There were beautiful flowering trees everywhere! I could not believe how much was still in bloom. Especially since it was so horribly HOT!!! I have to admit that the heat was merciless to us but I still enjoyed it. 

I don’t know about you but I could not get enough of the pink houses. They were my favorite!

I also wanted to be careful taking pictures of people’s homes. I was so afraid that one of them would come out and scream their head off. 

This was my absolute favorite photo! I loved this door and was going to walk by it but thought there is no way I am not going to take a picture of this!

These are the homes in the South of Broad area. There were lots of people walking around doing the same thing we were doing. Take pictures and savoring in all the beauty around them. 

Huge magnolia trees everywhere…. 

Vines growing on everyone’s homes and garage areas.

Once my family and I started walking around and looking at all of the homes the more they got into it. They began to read some of the information that was available on the outside of the homes. It became a wonderful day. In fact one of the neighbors did spot us taking a picture of her home and was very flattered. I was relieved. I did not want to offend her. She ended up telling us the process of how she purchased her home and gave us a free parking pass for the area! Fantastic right?
Well I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will continue with my Charleston adventure for the next few weeks to come. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)