To Charleston We Go!!!

Well, next week I will be on vacation. This year we are headed to Charleston, South Carolina. I have been wanting to visit this place for some time now but I am a little nervous about the weather.

I heard about a hurricane being nearby so I am saying my prayers to the Lord and asking for nice weather while we are there. I want to be able to walk around and just enjoy our time there. I don’t want to rush. I would like at least one beach day but we will see.

I found Julia Engel’s Charleston guide to be superb! Most of the places that she listed on her guide we are going to try to visit. I found a hotel nearby. It is only about 15 minutes from all of these places.

I would like to walk around the South of Broad. Julia said that there are a lot of historic residential homes and gardens. I am hoping to see one of those pretty pink houses with flowering trees around it. 

I would like to walk around Hampton Park. 

I would like to see the houses on Rainbow Row. 

Next on my list is to take a tour at Boone Hall Plantation. Apparently, it is still a working plantation that does tours, sells their strawberries and tomatoes, and has a butterfly museum. Sounds like a wonderful day to me. 

The Magnolia Plantation is another place that I would love to visit. I checked their website and during the month of July they are having $5 tour days! That sounds great! I would love to take the house tour, the nature boat tour, and the nature train tour. 

They said that during the spring is the best time to come. You can see the azaleas in bloom. Oh, I wish they were still blooming. 

Now of course my trip could not be complete without some shopping. Julia mentioned a store called Lily Charleston. I checked their website and it looks lovely. I am hoping to get a bottle of Antica Farmacista. Their bottles are so pretty and the names of the scents always capture me. 

There are a few museums I would like to visit, some art galleries and this cute little stationery store called Mac & Murphy.

She also mentioned Palmetto Bluff, Savannah (I would love to take another visit there), and Sullivan’s Island. I checked their website and that looked like a beautiful beach to visit. Then she mentioned all of the restaurants. 

Doesn’t that look delish! Oh I am looking forward to this trip. I am just hoping for good weather. Please Lord! I will let you guys know how it goes. See you in another week!