Biltmore Trip/Kings Island~ 2020

Good Morning Everyone,

It’s the last day of July and we are expecting some cooler temps next week! Yay! It’s been hot. It has taken me a while to get this post together from our trip. I can’t believe that 2 weeks have passed already!

So let’s get into our recent vacation to the Biltmore and Kings Island.

This is the view when you enter the park. We only spent one day here (thank goodness). It was so hot and wearing a mask was not the best thing. 

This was the first rollercoaster that Lauren got on. Now she and my step-son had a great time at the park but we did have a few issues.

On one of the rollercoaster rides Lauren’s face mask fell down and once the ride was over we wanted to purchase the photo. The staff would not let us because her mask fell down. Now I get it, they don’t want us posting that to Facebook and people thinking that they don’t have to wear a mask but come on now. Wearing a mask on a rollercoaster was a bit much to me. Now if you are walking around and standing in line, okay wear your mask but while riding that’s a bit much to me (they did space everyone at least two seats apart). 

The second issue was with me and my husband. We wanted to take a “break” so we found an area in the park (it was not crowded) where we can sit and take off our masks. No one was around us but a security guard came up and told us to put them on. Really?!!! No one is around us. Now they had these “break areas” where you could go and take off your mask and they want you to do it there. But what’s over there? You guessed it more people!! It made no sense to us! Just nuts!!!!

Oh and if you had one of their $20 fountain drinks in your mouth they would not tell you to wear your mask as long as you were spending money. 

I was so happy to leave Kings Island and head to Asheville. Arriving at the Biltmore was a breath of fresh air!!!

Now you did have to wear a mask while touring the home but we understood that and most people stood over 6ft apart. People were quiet and absorbing the home. It was a much better tour this time. This is the garden room. I spy blue and white!!!

The gorgeous dining room. I didn’t take as many pictures this time. I wanted to enjoy the home and not have a camera in my hand the entire time. 

I completely missed this the last time we were here. I spy blue and white again! Beautiful details!

I loved the furniture in this room. The contrast between the floors, rug, and furniture is so elegant to me. 

Mrs. Vandebilt’s room, always a favorite. 

Mr. Vandebilt’s study

After the tour, we headed to the gift shop which I did not get to visit the last time. Alas, blue and white. So pretty!
My husband and I also did some wine tasting in this room and purchased 4 bottles of the Biltmore wine. We then headed outside to the gardens. 


The conservatory is a work of art itself.

I also didn’t snap any food photos this time. I really wanted to just enjoy my vacation and not take pictures the whole time. But I did have to get a photo of this dessert that my step-son ordered. It was a little too tart for me but visually beautiful. 

Despite the heat, and the mask frustration, overall it was a really good trip. Considering we are in a global pandemic this was a low-key, simple vacation and we enjoyed it. My husband and I tried to keep things in perspective and remind ourselves that we don’t have too many more of these left with our kids. And the Lord has provided all of our needs and our “greeds” during this whole Covid scare. 

Thank you Lord and forgive us for being silly sometimes. I hope you all enjoyed this post and have a wonderful weekend. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)