The Royal Wedding

I must admit I was not going to watch the wedding. I don’t know why but I wasn’t. But then I saw all of the beautiful photos on Instagram. It was absolutely breathtaking.

I LOVED it! It was done so well. It really was. I just wanted to share some of my favorite photos.

This photo is what captured me. How elegant? The arch blanketed with roses and greenery. It was just like a fairy tale. Her dress was exquisite! Very tasteful, chic, beautiful….. you name it was!

This was a florist’s dream! Just classic!

The tiara was gorgeous! I think I saw on Town and Country that this was a brooch from Queen Mary. I am not sure but I thought that is what I heard. So sophisticated. 
Oh my goodness! I would love to have a photo like this with my husband. Truly inspired!
I could not get enough of the archways around the church.
And I believe this was the cake. So simple, so chic and so graceful. I love it!

I wish more beautiful events like this were on t.v. But I guess we take beauty whenever we can. One thing I did notice about the guests is that there were no Kardashians! I didn’t see any of them arriving with any of the other guests. I was so happy! I am sorry if you are a fan but I am not! I was pleased. Thank goodness!!
Well I hope that you all enjoyed the royal wedding. I know I did and I hope that they have a long and prosperous marriage!

(photos via Instagram)

3 replies
  1. sadie c
    sadie c says:

    The centre of the tiara is a brooch, so it can be worn either as a tiara, or slightly dismantled. Much of the jewellery of the Royal family is interchangeable in this way. They want to get the most out of their diamonds!

    The wedding was beautiful. I always watch them, they are few and far between. I was nine when Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer, and to me, at that age, she was the perfect Princess. I think the new Duchess of Sussex will be a very lovely addition.

    We do have another wedding later this year, that of Princess Eugenie, daughter of the Duke & Duchess of York. I doubt there will be anywhere near the build up, but I shall still be watching it. I'm always so proud to be British when we have an event of this kind!


  2. sadie c
    sadie c says:

    p.s I am extremely pleased the Kardashians weren't there. To be honest, it hadn't even crossed my mind that they might have been invited until you mentioned it! Bet they were pretty put out about that!!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Lol, I am sure they were! I thought all of the guests looked wonderful and that it was a very nice ceremony! I will have to watch the Princess Eugenie wedding myself. Thanks for the heads up!

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