Vintage Linen Napkin Shopping

On Wednesday I shared my vintage lamp find. Today I wanted to share my linen napkin find. I have a great fondness for vintage linen napkins. While looking for my lamp last week I also wanted to look for some new vintage napkins.

Digging through the pile. There were so many to choose from!

But then I saw these….. I do declare!

Pretty, pretty details and I adore the color.

Now there were only two but this was an excellent price!
Then I found this lovely tablecloth.

And for $6.50, how could I refuse?
I took one of the napkins to work and I USE it! It is so lovely with my vintage cups. It’s the little wonderful details in life that can make it beautiful. I do hope that you enjoyed this post today. Have a great weekend! 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)