A Closet Update

This past week my husband was working with a client on a closet renovation. She was having her closet re-done and was getting rid of some of her cabinets.

Can you believe that she was throwing these away? I couldn’t believe it and neither could my husband. So he gathered them up and brought them home. 
I was not expecting this so it was a pleasant surprise. These are my original shoe shelves in my walk-in closet.

My shoes were piled high on these shelves. 
This is what it looked liked after removing my shelves and adding the cabinets. 
I still can’t believe that she was going to throw these away!! It’s incredible! 

I love all the drawers. I can add jewelry.

Or my silk scarves! I actually love the way this looks and will be leaving these in there. 
I found this cute little blue and white ginger jar at Homegoods this weekend!

I put some blue and white pieces at the top also. I do adore the way it looks and I am so grateful to my husband and his hard work and the gracious client who gave them to me.  Thank you!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Oh thank you Mya! I don't know about deserving. I am truly grateful for it. And to be able to get these cabinets and shelving for free. Is truly a blessing!

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