A little Von Maur Shopping

Sorry about my delay last week. My daughter and I raked leaves last weekend….. turned out to be a BAD idea for me! I am was so sore! Goodness gracious!

Last Sunday we had a few errands to run. Honestly, I hate going out now since it is Christmas time. The stores are just unbearable to me and I just don’t want to deal with the hostility of it all.

I did however make it to one of my favorite stores. I love Von Maur and have written about it many times here on the blog. I didn’t buy much but just wanted to share a few things…..

Love this wrap by Calvin Klein. 

The Christmas decor everywhere is always beautiful.

Love buying undergarments.

Okay, I am not a lingerie kinda of girl. I like long silk gowns that are comfortable. In fact I purchased this red one that you see here. If you are interested you may purchase it here.

Love the extra large Christmas trees that they have. 
They are so beautiful and make the whole store feel so festive!

Of course, I have to stop to see what Louis Vuitton’s they have. 
This is where I purchased mine last year. 

Love the baby blue color of this Kate Spade tote. 
If you are interested in purchasing this you may see it here.

Lots of stripes this year….

The last stop was looking at fresh water pearls.
 I purchased a set about 2 years ago. I still love them!
Window shopping is always a great way for me to relax. I also get great ideas this way. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and are ready for the new year!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)