Sweater & Tote Shopping at H & M

Just a quick little post. I decided to take some of my lunch break time and get away from the office for a bit. I always like taking a little walk. It helps me clear my head and sometimes it is very inspiring. I get info for the blog or it gives me ideas for home.

So last week it was H & M. I saw a few things that I liked and just wanted to share them….

Love this coat!

Great blouse, I may need to go back and get it!

Great colors!
This is great!

Love the bug details!

This is a giant infinity scarf! I couldn’t find it online but it is quite lovely

They have the best totes! I do wish some were a little bit bigger!

Great skirt, it has little sparkles. 
It’s always fun shopping in H & M. They always have great fashion pieces at great prices. Enjoy the finds!!!!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)