Autumn Candles ~ 2017

Okay, I recently posted about Bath and Body Works Essential Oil Candle collection (see here if you missed it) but now their autumn collection has just debuted and I have some favorites that I picked up already.

This is great. I have it in my car and a room spray. The dark cherry is so scrumptious and woody. 
I love peppermint scents. They put me in such a Christmas mood. 
Cherry Blossoms and Strawberries
This has been my absolute favorite! It has been so hard finding it in stores! I found one in one location and the other all the way across town! I don’t know why but they are so elusive. 
Very nice and subtle. 
Well, I hope you enjoyed my autumn candle suggestions. They are lots more on the website for you to review and ponder. Enjoy!!!!

(photos via