Home Memories

This is just a small post about life memories. I love keeping memories and my daughter loves going through the boxes that I have of all her photos, artwork, graded papers, birthday party mementos, and clothes.

I don’t have much from my childhood so I wanted to make sure that I captured my daughter’s life as much as I could. I also have kept all of my cards from her and ornaments. Keeping memories, I believe is another way of having a beautiful life. It shows your children and family that you care enough to document your life with them. If you keep things continue to collect.

I can’t wait until I have some grandchildren to share all of the memories that I have. Enjoy!!!

I keep most of our memories in boxes like this.

In here I have all of my cards and I write the year on the back of each one. Something I learned from my mother in law. 
In this box I kept some of Lauren’s baby clothes and her first costume! I love looking at these and seeing how small she was. Boy, does the time really fly!
I have kept all of Lauren’s birthday cards and artwork. She will love this when she gets older. 
For each school year I take a photo and make her write down a few things. I also keep some of her work, report cards, drawings, and photos with friends from each year. She will enjoy looking at these with her kids and talk about her school years in the future. 
Well I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that it has inspired you to continue to document your life as well. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. the lost art of lovely
    the lost art of lovely says:

    What a beautiful memory box, very charming and sweet. I love all of your beautiful and inspiring posts. Thank you for sharing x

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