An Office Find ~ A Vintage Table

Good Morning Everyone,

I am off today, YES! I am so happy. I have quite a few errands to run today. I have to pick up my dress from the seamstress, grocery shop, and pay a visit to HomeGoods.

I purchased a new vintage table for my office last week. The one I had was too small (see my Youtube office tour below). The table served me well but I needed more room. 

I saw this table at the antique store last week. I thought it would be perfect for my office but I was not quite sure. Now that I have moved it in here it looks good! 

I have more surface room which was a must!

Underneath the tablecloth is an old vintage table that was green. The previous owner then painted it white which looks much better I think. 

And there is a shelf for my vases! I must admit that is what sold me. I needed more room for my vases and had no other place in my office for them. It’s great!

You will notice in my Youtube video that I got rid of the previous chairs. For one they belong to the office and for two they were too small. Our rears could barely fit in those. Talk about a shot to your ego. Those chairs seriously made you consider diet and exercise all the time. Also, I didn’t need two chairs. I hardly have more than one visitor so I thought I could free up some room by getting rid of both of those chairs and bringing in one of mine that I loved. 

I think it turned out great. Now I am on the hunt for a new lamp and mirror. I like the gold one but it doesn’t “sing” to me. 

I hope you all enjoy your holiday and your weekend!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Good morning Mrs.Shockley ,

    If I worked with you, I think I would stop by your office often. Such an elegant space you have created.
    Have a great week,

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya,
      If you worked in my office we would be very good friends. It would be so wonderful if you did. You have a great week as well.

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