Blue and White Tea Cup Set

Goodness, I have been looking for a blue and white tea cup set for 2 years now! I don’t know what pattern I want but I do know that I want a mid-size cup. I have been on Ebay, Etsy, Google and I just can’t seem to find one that I like. When I do find one it costs a small fortune. So the quest continues. I did find one on Ebay but it’s two of them and I just want one so I don’t know. I may go ahead and buy the set so I can have one at home and one for the office.

I did however go to Pinterest to find inspiration of course….

These are the perfect size but no plate with it. Rats!!!!
This is lovely but how wide the mouth is I would be worried about my tea spilling….
Pretty pattern
Oh I wish I could find some thing like this. So elegant!
Honestly, this is the dream pattern. I wish the cup was a little bigger but this is what I am aiming for. 
Perfect size!!!

Oh well, the quest continues. I hope you all enjoyed this post and wish me luck!!!!

(photos via Pinterest)
3 replies
  1. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    Good luck! My mom is an antique dealer so I will ask her if she has one. From her, I actually own four lovely antique cups and saucers myself.

    I just ordered my mom's birthday gift today and it's actually blue and white. Her latest collection is Churchill Blue Willow dinnerware made in England that is microwave and dishwasher safe. Widely available online, I ordered four salad plates and a covered butter dish since she wants the pieces for holiday dinners.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Very nice Michelle! Well I may have found one. I won an Ebay auction recently. We will see how the china is once it arrives this week!

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