The Beauty of the Capitol and Library of Congress

While in D.C. I had training that I needed to attend for two days but once those two days were over I was free to explore. We stayed an extra day so that I could see a few more things. The next place that we visited was the U.S. Capitol and Library of Congress.

Me outside the Capitol
When walking up to the Capitol we found this magnificent magnolia tree! It was glorious!!

Look at how huge the blooms are!

I could not resist a photo.
Truly beautiful….

Walking around and looking at all the historical statutes. 
This is MLK’s statute a recent addition to the Capitol.

This looks much bigger in person.
I just kept looking up…

That painting is the size of a basketball court!

Vintage chandeliers all over…

All the ceilings reminded me of Chanel earrings. I am being serious!
I wonder if this is some of the inspiration….

I couldn’t get all the details of the rooms. The tour went by very quickly.

Our tour guide is standing by Rosa Park’s statute which is also a recent addition. 

After the Capitol tour we had some lunch in the downstairs cafeteria which was very nice and headed to the underground tunnel and over to the Library of Congress.

Can we say exquisite? 

I could not get enough of this. It was stunning….

I could work here….

The ceilings…

The floors….


“It is the mind that makes the man and our vigor is in our immortal soul”.

“Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man and writing an exact man”. 

I really did have a hard time leaving here. 

I wanted to go downstairs get a membership and start reading.

Of course, people are everywhere….

So after this beautiful tour we headed to the gift shop and looked around. I picked up some pretty cherry blossom postcards and then I found these. Beautiful blue and white tea canisters. I purchased them both and sent one to a friend. Truly beautiful. 
I have to say that the Library of Congress was one of my favorites during our visit. It was truly remarkable. 
(photos Mrs. Shockley)