My Daughter’s Violin Lessons

For a few years now our daughter has been wanting to learn to play the violin. So we finally listened to her and found her a private teacher.

She has only been going for a couple of months but I tell you I have enjoyed it just as much as her. I really enjoy her teacher and really love hearing my daughter play this beautiful instrument.

Here is her teacher’s home. It is very special to me. It remind me of a grand Victorian home. The drive to her home is lovely too. We pass a lot of farms and green, green fields! It is always a nice drive in the evenings. 

She has this great wrap around porch. I mean it is huge! She has flowers all around her home and lots of birds…..
Now in her music room there are lots of rugs and each one is different. I love the original hardwood flowers and don’t mind all the wallpaper. 
Here is another view of the music room. She has every instrument in this room that you could possible own! There are two big harps sitting here. She has three pianos in this room, guitars, flutes, clarinets, etc. I usually sit on the flower sofa and listen to Lauren practice. 
For me this is another aspect of enjoying beauty in my life. Listening to my daughter play the violin, sitting in a Victorian home, learning about instruments, looking at all of the flowers in her garden and watching my daughter smile. 
Enjoy the small outlets of beauty in your life whatever they maybe…..
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

2 replies
  1. Shery G
    Shery G says:

    Such a beautiful home. I love the lush grass and hanging flowers! I can just imagine a glass of sweet tea or lemonade in my hand as I sit on that welcoming porch. I love the rugs and wallpaper, I don't mind it not one bit. Instruments are so beautiful to me. They are like an exquisite piece of furniture. I love the sound of string instruments. On few occasions my girls have played their instruments for our guests. Lauren has chosen a wonderful instrument to play!

  2. Mrs. Shockley
    Mrs. Shockley says:

    I know I love the porch too! There have been times where we see her sitting on it before the lesson starts. I do love seeing all the instruments and you are right. They are pieces of furniture. I love the pictures that you posted of your daughters with their instruments. They look so chic!

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