Radiate Calm ~ Part 2

I don’t know about most of you but I really had to “dig deep” this past weekend and find my solitude and radiate calm for myself and my family. 

To be honest I could not believe the madness that took place. I understand the concerns and worries of our country but to destroy businesses and take advantage of a horrible situation just really shocked me!

I could not believe what some people were doing. Even here in my own very city they spray painted our monuments, busted windows, set fires, fought, and stole. I never thought that I would say this but I hated my own city. It was horrible to watch. 

Not only that a jewelry store that I visit often for repairs and go look at vintage jewelry was broken into Saturday. All of their jewelry was stolen, including the vintage pieces. My heart sank…

To know that their our individuals out there who took these items knowing that they are not there for “justice” but for greed just infuriated me. 

So I took the weekend and a few days to calm myself…. Yes buildings can be fixed and items (some) can be replaced but that still does not make it okay. You are still committing crimes. I had to remind myself that God is in control and to stay off of social media especially Facebook because there are some individuals who don’t share the same beliefs I do. 

I searched my blog for past posts on calmness and found this one that I wrote in 2018 called Radiate Calm.

My porch at home. We spend a lot of time here. 

I read my post and reminded myself that I do not have to act like that. That staying calm is assertive. When you remain serene, you’re communicating that you have the situation under control and there’s nothing to worry about…… It’s tempting to fly off the handle in a confrontational moment, but far more valuable to bring goodwill and order back to an unraveling situation. Maintaining a sense of equanimity even when matters are tense disarms antagonists, builds trust, and forces everyone involved to focus on the problem logically rather than emotionally, allowing for a better and quicker resolutions”. 

I pray for our country constantly. We really need some guidance and peace at this time. Until then I will do my very best to respect all people and remain as elegant as I possibly can. 

(photos via Mrs. Shockley & Pinterest)

2 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hello Mrs. Shockley,
    I knew your article would resonate with me when I read the title-I needed to read this at this time,more than ever. I'll just say I am thankful I discovered your blog.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya,
      I am glad that you enjoyed it. I think we are all having a hard time right now. The protesting here is continuing and emotions are high. I am praying for peace.

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