To Learn French ~ Duolingo

A couple of weeks ago I heard my daughter speaking French to her phone. I turned around and said, “Oh my are you learning French”? She then told me about an app she downloaded called Duolingo.

I was so curious and impressed that I downloaded the app myself! And it was free! How great is that? Well, I am happy to report that I am 2% fluent in French (the report from my app) and loving every bit of it!

It sends you reminders when it is time for your lesson and each lesson is no more than 5 minutes! I do love it! I took French in high school but I don’t remember it being this fun. I do enjoy my daily lessons. Once I am finished with French I will move on to Spanish.

Even if you have never taken a foreign language in your life you should try. I mean why not…

I hope you give Duolingo a chance and if so please share your thoughts about the app. Thanks so much for stopping by. Until next time, be elegant my friends.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
2 replies
  1. Gramspearls
    Gramspearls says:

    Dear Mrs. Shockley,
    I tried the French….high school, too. It's fun! I'm going to keep it up and see. Thanks, Kathleen

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Lol, I think most of us tried a foreign language in high school and don't remember anything from it! But this app is great. Let me know if you try it.

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