Blue and White Teacups

Good Morning,

We are finally in the 70’s. I have to admit it has been cold here in Indy. You would have never thought that it would be in the low 30’s at night in May. 

Next week more businesses are scheduled to open. I sure do miss Homegoods. I don’t want to go as soon as they open. It is going to be crowded!!!!

I think I mentioned a while ago that I did not have any blue and white teacups. Shocking I know. I have been looking for years but I could never find the pattern that I wanted and as soon as I did find the pattern I wouldn’t like the size of it. 

It had to be the perfect combination and I recently found a set on eBay. I made a bid and I did not think I would win because I never do but I did! So exciting!!!

I won a bid for a set of vintage porcelain blue and white cups originally from Japan. I was the only bid and paid under $40 for the set. 
They are perfect to me. The perfect size, color, and price. I could not believe that I was the only one bidding on them. 

Loving all of the details

Now I have already put them to the test and had a really to cup of tea and they were strong enough to hold it. I have been using them all week. They are so incredibly chic to me. 

I did order another blue and white cup before I made a bid on this set and it is beautiful as well. 

This is a vintage woods ware teacup with a panoramic scene. The handle is different but it is still quite lovely. It is a wonderful addition to my china collection. 

I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and enjoy your homes. Thanks for reading!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

4 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,
    I'm late to posting this, but it's so funny how you wrote this article on blue and white tea cups the same week that the Daily Connoisseur shared a new blue and white tea set. Oh my, I'm twice inspired. I found some blue and white Churhill made in England tea cups and saucers on ebay, that I wanted shipped, just to find out that the seller is 10 minutes away from my work place. I will be picking them up tomorrow. So excited!


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hey Mya,
      Lol, I didn't even realized that Jennifer and I posted about this at the same time. Great minds….
      You found them from a seller nearby? How fantastic! Share a photo when you get them.

  2. Garden Cake Party
    Garden Cake Party says:

    Hello Mrs Shockley,

    Beautiful finds as always! Can never go wrong with blue and white and these are just exquisite.

    I miss browsing Homegoods too and can't wait to scout for fabulous finds!

    Take care,


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Stefania,
      Thank you! I just love blue and white. I hope I never get tired of it. I soooo miss Homegoods. I am exciting about it opening soon but also dreading it. It is going to be crowded!
      You take care too!

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