My Aloe Vera Plant

When I was about 18 I had a mentor named Stephanie. I thought Stephanie was the best thing ever!! She introduced me to so many things. I learned how to be elegant because of her, I learned about great work ethic and I learned how to handle people.

She always ate well and dressed well. Her posture was superb as well as her attitude. Stephanie had an aloe vera plant in her office. One day she got a cut on her finger and went to the plant. I watched her break of one of the limbs and apply the cream from the plant to her finger.

I was just amazed by this. I had never seen it before. I always kept that in my mind. I mentioned it to my husband some time ago. He found an aloe vera plant for me a few weeks go. I guess he remembered.

I have really enjoyed having this plant. It has inspired others to look for it. But every time I stare at it, it reminds me of my beautiful mentor Stephanie…..

My aloe vera plant