A Gentle Reminder

Hello Friday….already,

It’s been two days since I have been in my garage and so far so good. About two weekends ago I picked up a Victoria magazine from the store and found an article called, Moments of Solitude”.

Boy, do I need these. This article was so beautifully well written and the pictures just make you want to climb right in. I wanted to share this beautiful article with all of you as we close out our first week of 2020. Enjoy your weekend.

Moments of Solitude

* Finding solitude in hand written letters and a cup of tea.

Moments of Solitude

This is beautiful. I can see myself sitting here planning my spring garden. “Okay, so how many hydrangeas and rose bushes do I want to plant this year”?

A double bouquet is always my favorite thing. Especially on a bedside table. 

Moments of Solitude

A beautiful cup of tea next to you and as you look over at the window you can see the snow falling gracefully for hours. Pure solitude….

(photos via Victoria Magazine.com)

6 replies
  1. M Goss
    M Goss says:

    Hi Mrs Shockley,
    I loved this article too. Most days I get up at 515am so that I can have solitude before the rest of my family gets up. It is wonderful and give me time to prepare my heart for the day by prayer, looking over my checklist(thank you for recommending the day designer). I am working on having a bit of solitude at night-not there yet though. By the way, did you notice the Cake Bake Shop article on page 99. I received my magazine last week and thought how pleased you'd be to Cake Bake Shop featured!
    Have a lovely weekend!

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Mya,
      Oh my, you start you day at 5:15? Wow… that's dedication. Preparing your heart for the day is something I believe in. There are a lot of things that come against us. I am so glad to hear that you like the Day Designer. I actually just found a new one at Target! I did not notice the Cake Bake Shop on page 99. I'll have to take a look. It is always crowded here but it is so lovely. I hope you had a great weekend too!

  2. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    My goal every night is to be in bed by 8 p.m. with my candles lit, cup of decaf tea, and a book. I read until it's time to do my skincare and get to sleep. After working all day, this time is very important to me and I do everything I can not to miss it! What's something you look forward to every evening?


    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Kelsie,
      Oh being in bed by 8 is a dream. Even if I didn't have a husband and child it would still be hard for me but that sounds wonderful.
      In the evenings I just look forward to being home. I can't wait to get home to put on my slippers and light candles. I try to get some reading also. It always relaxes my brain. I love hearing about your evening. That sounds so nice.

    • Mrs. Shockley
      Mrs. Shockley says:

      Hello Aliyah,
      I am so glad that you enjoyed these photos. You should take one and make it your screen saver! Something to aspire too! Happy weekend!

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