A New Decor Idea ~ Throw Pillow Covers


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope everyone had a restful weekend. We finally had snow here in Indy! I have been looking forward to it. It has been quite warm here so the snow is not sticking but it sure was nice to see this weekend. 

Has anyone else realized that next week is the last week of January…. already. I was talking to my husband and I saw that on the calendar. It’s just crazy. I really haven’t made any New Year resolutions. Well the main thing for me is to keep to my weight loss goals. I am really hoping to be down another 10 lbs. before June! I will keep you posted. 

In today’s post, I wanted to talk about throw pillow covers. Now I have never really been a fan of these. I have always been frustrated when I saw a pillow online and wanted to order it but did not because it was a pillow cover. 

Well since I have been purging items I realized that over the last few years I have gotten rid of so many pillows! If I would have thought that through I would have kept those pillows just changed the pillow covers. My recent pillow cover purchase from H&M really turned my perspective around.  When I received those pillow covers I thought wow I could really change the look of my pillows, save space, and money. It was like a whole new world open up to me and so now I have been more open to buying pillow covers. 



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I recently ordered these toile inspired pillow covers from Amazon. I was not sure how they were going to look in person but I must say that I am pleasantly surprised! The size is perfect and the print is incredibly chic! 




The size is 20×20 and they were only $18 per cover! Great right? 



The pillow inserts that I used were from other pillows that I had in the house. I removed those covers and put the toile ones on. It was perfect. I have now pulled one of my baskets and will use that to put all of my pillow covers in. I am so glad that I have considered doing this. It makes so much sense. 


Let me know in the comments section below if you use pillow covers. I would love to hear who often you change them and what are your favorites!


Thanks for reading!



fyi: This post is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, including Amazon affiliate links.





2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    Hello Mrs Shockley beautiful pillow covers and from Amazon too. Not bad. I may have pick them up myself. Gorgeous

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