To Fit or Not to Fit


Hello All,

The weather, oh the weather has been wonderful. Our trees have begun to bloom. It’s like it happened overnight. I love it so. I hope you are able to enjoy your weather wherever you are. It is Wednesday and our daughter is back in school four days a week. I can not tell you how happy I am. She needs to be in school and I need a break from Algebra. We had a 3-hour Zoom meeting during quarantine about Algebra. I don’t want to do that ever again! 

I received the most wonderful email Monday evening. In March I wrote a blog post called, “Beauty from Mom”, and in that post, I talked about an article that I found in Victoria magazine. Well, I don’t know how but the author found my blog post and sent me the following email…


Message: Dear Mrs. Shockley,

I just stumbled across your blog post “Beauty from Mom,” and I wanted to say I am fairly certain your daughter absolutely will appreciate all the elegance you bring into her life. Growing up, I definitely rolled my eyes at the amount of time my mom spent sorting through boring old linens in our local antique stores. I definitely did not understand why we had multiple storage boxes of fake flowers for every season. But here I am, years later, not only “getting it” but celebrating it in the frilliest magazine I can think of.

Thank you for giving your girl that gift. And thank you so much for sharing your story. It was such a thrill for me to discover your blog. I love writing because of how it connects us to people we’ll never meet. Usually, I just have to hope the connection is made. It’s always such a joy to hear that it worked for sure.


photo credit: Pinterest (Reily Vintage Home Photography)


Isn’t that WONDERFUL? I immediately wrote back and told her thank you for reaching out and encouraging me. I really needed to hear that.  Now on to today’s post. 

I have recently been ordering books from my Amazon list. The most recent order was Linens for Every Room and Occasion by Jane Scott Hodges. This book has been on my “want” list for over 4 years and I am so glad that I ordered it. It is huge! 

I was skimming through it and came across a list of sheets and pillowcase basics. The paragraph that pulled me in was the fitted sheet one. How many of you like fitted sheets? I use a fitted sheet but have been wanting to try a flat sheet. I have used flat sheets in the past but my husband normally complains. 


photo credit:


What are your thoughts? Are flat sheets better than fitted sheets? Jane mentioned that “some don’t like fitted sheets due to the elastic, which can lose its tautness over time and often rides up if the sheet isn’t deep enough”. 

I am experiencing that now with my fitted sheets. Please share what you think in the comments section below. I am really curious. 


Have a great Wednesday and thanks for reading!



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4 replies
  1. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    Spring is my favorite, so I’m always happy to see this time of year roll around. We have a tree right outside our house that has the most beautiful pink blossoms. It’s so pretty, it almost hurts to look at it. I’m not kidding! And you’re right, it seemed to bloom overnight. I wish it stayed pink all year-round. As for sheets, I’ve always used the fitted ones.


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Kelsie!
      Spring is a favorite of mine too. I love seeing all of the trees bloom, the magnolia bushes, the tulips! I wish it lasted longer as well. You like fitted sheets too! So do I but I have been having trouble with some recent ones that I purchased. But we will give them more time. Thanks for reading!

  2. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    What a nice letter to receive Mrs Shockley. I’m fine either way flat or fitted sheets. I think flat sheet is easier to work with and gives the bedding a crisp, hotel like finish. I’m starting to appreciate that more.
    Off topic: The Schawns Food Truck and Harmony Springs Soda truck ( local soda company Western Massachusetts) delivery was my childhood. I used to get Schawns delivery back a few years ago. Their biscuits are fabulous. If they still make their fantail shrimp, get them😋🍤. 💕🌷

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Hi Ms. Tracey!
      It was a nice letter to receive! It made me smile and gave me a sense of hope. I agree with you on the flat and fitted sheet. I do like both fitted and flat but I think with these new mattresses the flat sheet fits better. I have never heard of the Harmony Springs Soda truck. I will have to look that up!

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