Staying the Course…


Good Morning Everyone,

We are winding down the month of May and of course, this month flew by. My daughter’s last week of school is next week. I can’t believe we are ending her sophomore year and she will be beginning her junior year this fall. It’s incredible. I will be heading to JP Parker Flowers in Franklin, Indiana this weekend. They just got their shipment of peonies! I hope to buy a few. The downtown location closed during the pandemic. I was very sad to hear that news but very grateful to hear that their second location is still open. 

In today’s post, I want to talk about something that has been sort of weighing on me. It’s about running your own race. Since I started the boutique in March I noticed that there are TONS and I mean TONS of other online boutiques! I noticed this during my online search to make sure that no one else had my blog or soon-to-be business name.  I mean it is incredible! There are so many out there and what’s unfortunate is that it will leave you thinking, “well what’s so different about your boutique?”


photo credit: Micheile Henderson


As I scroll through other websites, Facebook pages, and Instagram accounts, I begin to think long-term about what I want to accomplish with the blog and the boutique. Do I want to continue to do this? Where do I see this going in about 10 years? Will I still be in love with the website and the boutique? Do I have the stamina to continue with this and honestly compete? Because let’s just be honest. I am competing. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I am going to be honest. Finding your own voice in this overly saturated area is hard. There are a lot of boutiques that are wonderful and there are a lot that are terrible. We all have our opinions. But finding your voice and being able to run your race is the goal. My goal for the website has always been to inspire, to learn, and to share. What I love is not always popular and what I share is not always loved. But what I am sharing is my honest self. 

I remember when I was a little girl. I loved beautiful dresses and accessories but I never had access to it because of my home life. Now that I am older I find myself trying to bring those daydreams to life. And what I want to do is to be able to encourage my readers and followers to do the same. Don’t be afraid to be a lady. It’s more acceptable than you think. Everywhere I go someone is always staring and wondering. I see it and that’s okay. I remember when I was walking in Kroger and I had on a pair of small heels. One of the workers heard me walking down the aisle and when I got closer he said, “It’s been a long time since I heard a pair of heels and I love it”. I told him thank you but my inner man said, “wow”….


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


My goal for the boutique (right now) is to provide elegant options. I see many boutiques, and most of them I wouldn’t wear more than half of it! I am almost 40 years old. I don’t want a dress with graphics all on it and I don’t want a dress that I have to wear shorts under because it’s so short and I don’t want anything see-through. Now I know we will have those dresses where a slip is necessary (especially a white one) but for the most part, I don’t want to have to wear extra clothes to make up where a garment can not. 

Dressing in the mornings should be a wonderful treat. You should smile when you pull out a dress. My goal with my boutique is to help you produce that smile. I want you to smile when you pull out one of my dresses and know that you are going to be put together, that the garment can be trusted, and that you will feel a “simple elegance” to your appearance. Not over the top but just simple elegance. 


Mrs. Shockley, home. 


So these are the goals and now I must be able to find my voice in this boutique madness and run my race. I hope you all continue to come with me on the journey. 


Have a great weekend!




2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    What a very thought provoking post Mrs Shockley. I could write a dissertation on this very topic. I’ll say this to you…”To thine own self be true”. Read the 23rd Psalm and ask yourself to whom do YOU belong? Let these words anchor you to yourself and purpose. In this saturated cookie cutter world, where the masses pattern themselves after whomever has the blue verified check mark on the social media platform, your site and boutique is refreshing change. That makes you an success. You are the daughter of the King of heaven and earth. You were not created to be mediocre but to be a beacon to those that are drawn to you. Stay the course, you’re doing just fine💗😉🙏🏾🌷

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Amen Ms. Tracey! The scriptures have kept me anchored this entire time. I don’t believe I would have gotten this far with the Word. Thank you for the words of encouragement and support. I will be staying the course. Have a great weekend!

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