Oprah’s Rose Garden…



Good Morning Everyone!

It is freezing here in Indy. Yesterday’s high was only 12 degrees! Goodness! But I think some warmer temps may be coming our way next week. This weekend I plan on doing a “closet review”. I plan on purging, donating, and posting new clothes to my Poshmark account. I also plan on taking in another pair of shoes in for repair. 

Honestly, I do want to have a day to just sit in my bed and watch movies. I just want to relax. It has been so cold this week. With all of the talk about colder temperatures I thought I would share a recent rose garden that I stumbled on. It belongs to Oprah….


photo credits: Veranda Magazine 


This is Oprah’s property in Montecito California and it is 65 acres! Oprah said that when she purchased this property she had no idea how or what she wanted to do with it. 



She ended up hiring a master rosarian. I didn’t know that a job like that even existed! Master Rosarian? Wow! She hired a gentleman named Dan Bifano. I may be looking into this profession soon. When I continued to read the article Oprah went on to say that she helped her rosarian plant, and arrange her flowers in her garden. This task is so rewarding. I love gardening especially if there is a plan. 



I love this section in her garden as well. I would love to have something like this in my backyard. This is simply a dream. I could see me having alfresco dinners here regularly. Especially during the spring and summer nights. 

Oprah said,  “Sometimes I stand under the arbor, close my eyes, and allow myself to take in as much as I can: I hear birds splashing in the fountain and literally smell the roses. This garden makes me present.” 

If you want to read the entire article you may do so here. You know this garden reminds me of the Butterfly Garden that I visited in 2015. Looks like I may need to take a second visit in the spring as well! Have a great weekend! 



6 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    I didn’t know a rosearian was a profession either. What a cool job to have. Rose’s are beautiful. I’m learning to appreciate them so much more than before. The skincare line I’m using is rose based which is great for my skin. The scent of these flowers are so transformative. Beautiful garden. What else would one expect from Oprah 😉🥀 The cold blast has already hit us in GA. Windchill is supposed to be 8 degrees this weekend. I won’t be doing 1 thing outdoors. The dero freeze is supposed to be for a few days then warmer weather. I think I’ll make some pork country ribs with mushroom gravy, red beans and rice and a salad. I’ll need something warm and cozy to eat on a cold days💕😊

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh my goodness on ly 8 degrees in Georgia? That is incredible to me. Your dinner sounds delicious! I love homecooked meals and a snowy day. Makes for a wonderful weekend!

  2. Kelsie
    Kelsie says:

    The garden reminds me of the backdrop in Oprah’s televised interview with Meghan and Harry. It’s a snowy day here in the Pittsburgh area. I’m dreaming of spring!

    Have a great weekend,

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I thought the same thing Kelsie. When I saw the sitting area I thought, “oh that looks familiar”. Thanks for reading!

  3. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    What a dreamy rose garden Oprah has. This makes me look forward to Spring when my roses will begin to bloom. I like to add one rose in each year to my garden. I will have to research the Legend rose. A Rosarian? What a wonderful career.
    A bit off topic, if you do mind sharing, how many penpals were you assigned in the Chic Society and have you received correspondence from them?
    I am considering signing. I’ve never had a penpal so this would be a completely new experience for me.


    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I am looking forward to blooms this year too. I am not trying to rush the year. Things seem to be speeding by so fast.
      I believe we are all going to have two penpals. I did get assigned to one and I have already written her and she has written back. I am waiting on the person that has been assigned to me to write. I am hoping that she will write soon. It has been a wonderful experience so far. I hope that when you sign up you love it!

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