The London Ring ~ Princess Diana



Good Morning!

I have the day off today for the holiday. I can’t tell you how happy I am to have an extra day. This morning I went for a morning walk! I have not been able to do this since early November. I miss my morning walks. I have been getting on the elliptical instead. But there is something beautiful and exhilarating about walking outside in the mornings. I get to hear nature, talk with the Lord, breathe fresh air, and have peace. I am looking forward to being able to walk again soon. 

Today I do have a jam-packed schedule. I have two appointments and I need to drop off some items for donation at the women’s center. I am also working on trying to get some new items for the boutique. I can’t believe that I am closing in on one year already. Seriously I can’t believe I lasted a year. I am so grateful to all of my customers. I do hope that everyone is loving their purchases.

Speaking of new purchases. I recently took a leap and purchased a piece that I was on the fence about. I have shared my purchases from Nicola Bathie before and I was hoping that this piece would not disappoint. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The second jewelry piece that I ordered was the London Blue Ring. I LOVED this ring when I first saw it. Now it’s obvious that this ring is inspired by Princess Diana’s ring well now Kate Middleton’s ring. But isn’t it the most elegant ring ever? It speaks royalty and class. It does come in green but I had to order the blue. 



I did find some more affordable versions on the Etsy website. There is this one, this one, and this one. I hope these will get you started on your quest for one. This is a classic ring. One that could be worn for ages. Have a great Monday!


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2 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    That is a stunning ring. You wear it well Mrs Shockley. Enjoy your day off. In my industry we get off just major holidays. I certainly would have enjoyed a 3 day weekend myself. 💕🌷

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