A Reader Inspired…


Good Morning,

I think I finally got things organized in my new phone. I like it so far but I think there is always a huge adjustment when getting a new phone. The trees are blooming here. It’s such a beautiful sight when driving into our subdivision. I love it in the mornings as well during my walks. It’s quiet and I can just stare at the blooms. 

I picked up the recent issue of Victoria Magazine. I love reading the reader-to-reader section. There was one letter that stood out to me and I thought I had to share it….


photo credit: Style Me Pretty


“Victoria magazine has instilled in me an appreciation for everyday life. Inspired by its pages, I have begun to notice daily blessings that come in many forms: the rising sun illuminating the sky, the first sip of morning coffee, the scent of lavender in a warm bath, a songbird’s music, a home-cooked meal, or a full moon rising before bedtime. 

However, the most unexpected gift came when I found myself accompanied by my best friend on a small plane to Victoria, British Columbia. Neither of us had ever flown out of the U.S., but articles from the magazine prompted us to book a stay at the Fairmont Empress Hotel. There, we experienced the unparalleled elegance of teatime at the Empress. We also re-energized at Willow Stream Spa and shopped the delightful local boutiques. 

My friend and I still can’t believe we flew to another country to have afternoon tea. We surprised ourselves on that Canadian getaway with our sense of adventure, sparked by the pages of Victoria”.   ~ Janice Allee (Depew, Oklahoma) 

Now how wonderful was that? I was so motivated by this letter. I even looked up the Empress Hotel myself! I love hearing stories like this. Women being bold to take an “elegant adventure”. I am telling all of you I have had this urge in me to do the same. 

Let me know in the comments below how you have been inspired by anything you read or have read recently. With everything going on in the world, letters like this give me hope!

Have a wonderful Monday! 


6 replies
  1. Ms. Tracey
    Ms. Tracey says:

    That was a fantastic story. That made my heart sing. I’d love to do this with my bestie. My takeaway from this was, just do it. No doubt these ladies are busy people. They took the time out to just be and live and do something so unexpected. There is much beauty in that. 💕🌺😁

    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      I couldn’t agree more! They just did it! You have to let me know if you take an adventure soon! I would love to hear about it.

  2. Mya
    Mya says:

    Hi Mrs. Shockley,

    We are in sync! I read the letters and thought about my where my inspirations are born. I have been really diving into The Art of Tea by Victoria Magazine lately. Reading the book has propelled me to make my Tea time so beautiful. I take Tea at 2pm five days a week, with a small treat. My dining room table is always dressed nicely, that is where tea takes place- usually I am reading or writing as well. I have it planned so that I have a solid half hour before picking my daughter from school to enjoy this time. I never knew that my soul needed this until a few weeks ago. I often think of your statement, ” There is so much darkness in the world, why not be elegant “. I just love that.



    • mrs.sshockley
      mrs.sshockley says:

      Oh how wonderful! We are in sync! My tea time is at 11 every day and I have it with toast, and a cup of grapes. During the weekend I will add some scrambled eggs. It’s a different kind of tea time but I do enjoy it.
      Thank you for loving my statement. I have no idea how I came up with that but I felt it at the moment and it just came to mind.

  3. Mya
    Mya says:

    Mrs. Shockley,

    I am slowly working my way through reading the The Art of Tea. On page 146 is a very interesting back story on The Empress of Victoria, Canada. If you haven’t read it yet, you will enjoy it!

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