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13 search results for: the french beauty solution


About Acne ~ The French Beauty Solution

I am continuing my reading of the French Beauty Solution and I am now in Chapter 6 which discusses “Taking Care of your Face and Neck”. I got right into this chapter because it was so informative about skin descriptions. One section that stuck out to me was the snippet about acne. It blasted away all the […]


A Few French Beauty Ideas…

  Hello! I don’t know about you, but I am hoping to get to the grocery store quickly this weekend. With the 2024 Eclipse hitting my state entirely on Monday, I have a feeling that people are going to be EVERYWHERE! I know that I should be excited, but I am not. I hate extremely […]


Beauty on the Go

Here are more fabulous tips from the French Beauty Solution. These are tips that the author Mathilde Thomas follows while she is traveling. They are really informative.                     photo credit Nicolas Fairford Instagram account. * Moisturize your face as well as your entire body before getting on the plane. Really slather it […]


A French Beauty Secret ~ 2

I am finishing up the last few chapters in The French Beauty Solution and it has been a wonderful book! I have been sharing different tips and educational information from this book for the last several months. This is a fabulous tip that I read a few weeks ago that I wanted to share. Take a tip […]


A French Beauty Secret

I saw this quick facial scrub tip from The French Beauty Solution. I am still reading this book and as I said before it has been a great book! You should really pick up a copy. It is very educational but moving right along here is the quick tip… For an anytime scrub, simply mix one […]


What the French Envy about the Americans

As I mentioned a few weeks ago I am devouring the new book called The French Beauty Solution. I said that I would continue to share some of the information in the chapters that the author Mathilde Thomas discussed. She wrote a section called, “What the French Envy about the Americans“. I found this list […]


Dermatologist Tips

I am still reading The French Beauty Solution. It is such a great reference book. I have really enjoyed learning about my skin and about sunblock. I really didn’t know how important sunblock was until recently. Now, that I am in my 30’s my overall health has been at the top of my list. I […]