Candy Shop Vintage in Charleston
Roaming around Charleston is the best way to see it. Exploring all the nooks and crannies of the city is the perfect way to find new stores. Like this jewel below….

Roaming around Charleston is the best way to see it. Exploring all the nooks and crannies of the city is the perfect way to find new stores. Like this jewel below….
While we were in Charleston I found this gorgeous drawing of magnolias. Now magnolias are another favorite flower of mine. I think that they are so attractive and fragrant so finding a huge poster of them was wonderful.
I found it at the gift shop at the Magnolia Plantation. It was such a beautiful picture and a wonderful price! We only paid $10 for it! I knew that I had to have it framed and I knew that I had some wonderful frames at home.
I can’t believe July is over and my kid is already back in school. I hate this balanced schedule. When they go back to school you go back to school and I don’t want to go to school yet. Anywho, I wanted to share a few of my favorite finds for this month.
Before leaving for our trip to Charleston, I ended up trying this tuna casserole recipe that I found on Pinterest and wanted to share it.
After roaming around downtown Charleston on our first day my husband wanted to get in the truck and drive around a bit more and I am glad that we did. We ended up finding this wonderful little boutique not far from all of the beautiful historic Charleston homes.
We have returned home and I am sad. I have not stopped thinking about Charleston since we left. It has only been a few days and I MISS it desperately. I am serious. I really loved the homes, the gardens, the details in all the architecture, but mainly the historic homes.
I am so glad that my husband finally agreed to visit Charleston. It was so worth it to me.
Well, next week I will be on vacation. This year we are headed to Charleston, South Carolina. I have been wanting to visit this place for some time now but I am a little nervous about the weather.
I heard about a hurricane being nearby so I am saying my prayers to the Lord and asking for nice weather while we are there. I want to be able to walk around and just enjoy our time there. I don’t want to rush. I would like at least one beach day but we will see.
I found Julia Engel’s Charleston guide to be superb! Most of the places that she listed on her guide we are going to try to visit. I found a hotel nearby. It is only about 15 minutes from all of these places.