My Cheese Plate ~ 2018

The New Year has came and went and I decided to get another cheese tray for our New Year celebration. I stopped at Murray’s Cheese again in my local grocery store and had them prepare a tray.

So this year they added forteto pecorino toscano, creme brie, port salut, sartori extra aged asiago, turkish dried apricots (so good) and glazed, pecans, almonds and cashews! It was all so good. I also picked up this sweet french bread. It went so well with the cheeses. 
We also had a bottle of Risata and this year I got cherry sparkling wine for the kids. They loved it! I do enjoy buying cheese and learning about the different kinds. I think smoked gouda is my favorite! If you wish to see my post last year about my cheese plate you may view it here. I hope you all have a wonderful 2018!
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Draping Pearls on Your Wrist

I was inspired to do this when I saw this photo on Pinterest some years back…..

I wrapped my vintage Marvella pearl necklace around my wrist. 
I was inspired by this photo of Carmel Snow and Chanel. Just look at how her pearls and bracelets drape from her wrist. Sheer elegance right? I just admire that so much. 
I hope that this post inspires you to take a second look at your pearls. Maybe you can do the same. Wrap them around that beautiful wrist of yours and wear them. Enjoy your vintage items!

(photo via Mrs. Shockley & Pinterest)

Organization and Cleaning ~ 2018

With the year beginning most people have lots of resolutions. Organizing being one of them. I just thought that I would share some of my posts from last year about the wonderful book that I read called the Butler Speaks. I had lots of readers on this series and just thought that I would share those links again. Enjoy!!!!

love the table:
Butler's pantry storage:
I love this wallpaper in the bathroom
White marble with a hammered silver sink:

(photos via Pinterest)

Ann Taylor Silk Scarf Giveaway!!!

Good Morning Everyone!!! Well it’s time to start my second giveaway. It’s been awhile since I have done one of these (see here if you missed it). So I figured why not start off the year with a wonderful giveaway.

It is quite beautiful. I purchased one for myself also. I could not pass it up!

Here is an up-close photo. It is a wonderful blue and I love the pink in it. 
It is 100% silk! and is very elegant. 
If you are interested in entering, please comment below as to how you found the blog. I am so curious as to how people find me. It would be wonderful to know how. I would love to open this giveaway to everyone but I am not sure how to ship items overseas. I will announce the winner next week! 
Good luck and thank you!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

UPDATE: I have opened this up to international readers! If you would like to enter please comment below. 

A Friend’s Home Tour

A lot of my friends know that I enjoy beautiful things and spaces. My friend Lindsay lives on the east coast either New York or D.C. (I can’t remember) but she is always on the move. She came home for the holidays to spend time with family. She inboxed me once she went home because some of the rooms in her mother’s home reminded her of me and I was so glad that she did! I loved all the rooms and just love her mother’s decor! I was so happy when Lindsay said that it was okay for me to share some of the photos on the blog.

Isn’t this buffet table gorgeous? And I spy blue and white underneath!

Love the blue and white on the tree!
Aren’t the wing-back chairs great?
Love the table and chairs along with the blue and white rug! I must find this!
Aren’t the chair slip covers so charming? I love the lace table cover.
Love the blue and white in the kitchen!
The prints and knick-knacks are so chic!
I even love this vintage bench sitting in front of the stair case. I love receiving these photos from my friend and found some items that I am inspired to look for. 
Thanks Lindsay for the photos! 
They are truly living elegant everyday!

(photos via Lindsay D.)

Converting my Earrings

I love shopping for earrings but there is one thing about earrings that drives me crazy and it is where the post is positioned. I like to have my earring post in the center of the earring. It balances well on my ear when they are made that way. But I have been seeing a lot of earrings where the post is at the top of the earring. Oh, that drives me nuts because then I know that when I wear it; it will pull on my earring hole more. So now when I find an earring that is made that way I convert it.

I purchased these recently. They are fine but I hate where the post is. 

Do you see? It is at the top of the earring which would mean pain for me. 
So I purchased a bag of these from Hobby Lobby. 

I break off the one that is on the earring and superglue the new one to the center. It is so much more comfortable for me and the earring is hanging from the center of my earring instead of dangling. 
I have been doing this for years. Here is another pair of earrings and brooch that I had to fix. I glued new backs to the earrings and a new fastener to my brooch. 

I let everything sit for 24 hours before I wear it. It’s a fun little craft and it helps me continue to wear my jewelry. I do hope that you enjoyed this post and that it inspires you to come up with some ways to repair your jewelry. Especially, if it is jewelry that you adore. 
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Top Posts of 2017

Goodness, another year of blogging has flown by. I can’t believe it! Well time to share what blog posts were popular this year. I had quite a few and then I had my favorites. I want to thank all my readers for coming by and reading. It is always fun chatting with everyone.

Although this shoe is no longer available, it was quite popular on the blog this time last year.

These were so delicious! I hope that I can get another box this year!
This was a huge hit on the blog!
Another huge hit on the blog!!!

I need to do this soon!

One of my favorite blog posts of 2017!
My favorite blog posts from 2017 are: Inspiration for a Dining Room Table, the Beauty of Accessorizing, My Cupboard Update, Beauty in Waiting, The Library of Congress, The National Gallery of Art in Washington, of course my Lunch at Laudree in NYC, my Lunch at the Symphony with my friend, my Berry Tart that I finally got right this past year, and my Blue and White Collection. I am very grateful to the Lord for allowing me to do so many wonderful things in 2017. I am hoping that 2018 will be a wonderful year for my family and for my relationship with God. Thank you for joining me on this journey. 
If you would like to see past top blog posts you may view them here. Enjoy!!!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)