Beauty Everyday….

I try to spend every day of my life enjoying beauty everyday. Sometimes I get sly remarks from family, friends or co-workers but I try to press on.

My photo of peonies

I will never understand why beauty bothers some people. I wear dresses or skirts every day and it bothers some people. I don’t understand. I have had some women try to stop me from wearing them. They make remarks like, ” you know I know some stores that sell great pants, or ” doesn’t it bother you to wear skirts every day?” 

I chuckle on the inside because I can see right through it. So I tell them, “Thank you for the suggestion but no, I love skirts and dresses and will continue to wear them. Some women move right along but others well…. they still try. Yet I still continue to enjoy the beauty of skirts every day….

Me at my piano weekly piano lesson

I love pretty dishes and cups and use them every day. I have had some remarks about that too. I have china at work also. I use a pretty teacup for my hot water, lemon and honey every day and I use an antique blue and white plate for my breakfast pastry every day. 

I think some people are afraid of beauty because they have been in darkness for so long that the “light” of beauty frightens them. But not me I run toward it. Whenever I see beauty when I am out I take photos. This photo below is of a cupboard filled with blue and white ginger jars. It is at my favorite retail store called Von Maur. 

And this is near the lady’s bathroom. Great right?
My peonies at home

I have beauty in every corner of my home. Fresh flowers are everywhere if the budget allows it. 
My garden in front of my house.

I have beauty outside of my home. I love sitting on my porch with my family watching the hummingbirds eat from our feeders and smelling the flowers. 

Whatever “your beauty” is enjoy it. Don’t let people try to talk you out of what is not their own. If you enjoy wearing skirts or dresses every day continue if you use china at work continue, if you enjoy flowers continue if you love blue and white continue, if you worship God, continue. 

My obsession with french chateaus…

For those of us that love beauty and share it. Let us continue.


This is a wonderful video that I found recently about blogger Mimi Thorrison. This is a wonderful video of how to enjoy beauty every day. She has flowers around and her recipes look simple and delicious. The language is not in English but I do hope that you enjoy it. I know I did!

My Visit to World Market

Visting new stores in my city is like taking an adventure. Any time some one tells me about a new decor store I always want to go and take a look. I did not realize that we had a World Market until recently.

My family and I took a visit last weekend and I just wanted to share some of my fave items in the store.

Scented floral soap, pretty!

This lotion is marvelous! I purchased the hand cream of the lilac blossom and I can not put it down! It is wonderful! I will be going back to purchase more!
Great faux floral arrangements


And last but certainly not least, my beautiful basket. I will be using this for our summer picnic this year. It was a nice visit and the store had plenty of unique items and furniture pieces! My daughter even enjoyed this store! I hope you enjoyed this tour and that you visit your World Market soon!
(photo via Mrs. Shockley)

Chic for the Interview

So I know that we are all fans of Pinterest. I know I am! I love all the inspiration and ideas that come from it! It’s wonderful! I did see this pin recently from Career Contessa and I thought I would share it.

I talked about Career Contessa on my blog in 2014, see the post here. It is a wonderful website for career-driven women and has wonderful resources.

The pin that I saw was called, “Everything You Need to Bring to an Interview“. The list gives you great advice on what to pack in your bag the day of the interview.

1) Pen and Paper
Because taking notes with your phone is unacceptable.

2) Copies of Your Resume
10 copies to be exact. Better too many than not enough

3) A copy of your Cover Letter
Just in case you are asked about something you included

4) Comfortable Shoes
Flats in the purse just in case, never a bad thing

5) A mirror
You’ll want to quickly check for lipstick on your teeth. We promise….

6) Spare pair of tights
If your wearing tights, they WILL get a run in them.

7) An Ipad
So you can show examples of your work (printed portfolios are archaic)

8) A Cheat~sheet
To get you back on track when you are at loss for words

9) Business cards
They’re great for handing out to additional people you may meet

10) Printed questions
It’s crucial to ask good questions at the interview. Have a hard copy.

11) A Thank You Note
Give out handwritten notes in-person, then follow- up with a more detailed note via email. 

Honestly, these are some great tips and I love the idea of writing a thank you letter to the interviewers after the meeting. I have done that before. It is wonderful! I hope these tips help you along the way!

Buying Beauty in France

I love reading about people buying chateaus and renovating them in France. It takes a lot of courage and imagination to visualize the beauty that your chateau could be.

One such brave individual is Julie Huh-Carrie. I began following her Instagram account about 2 years ago and it has been a joy watching her journey with her beautiful chateau.

Her chateau is called the French Manior and was built in 1857. Julie admits that the property was not in good condition but after a week of seeing it her and her husband agreed to purchase the property.
Julie rents the property while she is away and she offers many services with your stay. You can host a wedding or party, have a workshop or schedule your very own brocante buying tour. 
You may also stay during her time slots for the bed and breakfast. This manor has so many wonderful things to offer. I hope that I can visit it one day. 
If you would like to read the original article you may see it here. And as always I hope that you enjoyed this mini tour! 

(photos via

Beauty in Waiting….

I was inspired to write the post after reading Shannon Ables blog post Give it Time: Discovering What is Worth the Wait. It was such an inspiring post. Shannon gave a wonderful list of things she was willing to wait for. So I decided to think to myself and come up with a list of things that I know will be worth the wait for me….

My peony bouquet from last year 

1) The peony season, I look forward to this every year! I have already picked up my first bunch from my florist this month!

You can never have too many….
2) Finding blue and white for my home….
3) A 10-day trip to Italy with my family….
4) My husband eating vegetables. I know it is wishful thinking but I am hopeful….
5) A collection of clothes, shoes & hand bags that are timeless….
6) A home beautifully decorated over time….

My blue and white at home

My flowers at home
I love the flower hanging on the wall if anyone knows where I can find this please leave the info in the comments section!
6) Trusting God with my enemies…..
7) My weight loss….
8) My backyard…. I have a list of things that we are going to do. 
9) Putting money into retirement….
10)  Personal growth: I have a list of mental and emotional goals that I am looking forward to reaching… 
11) Obtaining my Bachelor’s Degree in English…..
12) Becoming a paralegal supervisor for my division….
Scales of Justice Necklace
13) Enjoying my golden years with my husband….
This list could go on and on but I will stop here with my list of goals and dreams that will be worth waiting for. As the Bible tells us “everything is beautiful in it’s time”. And I am telling you it is very true. Enjoy your weekend!
(photos via Pinterest & Mrs. Shockley)

French Country Home ~ A New Book

My favorite french muse has done it again! Sharon Santoni author of My Stylish French Girlfriends is coming out with a new book this year! I am really excited and can’t wait to get my copy of My French Country Home: Entertaining Through the Seasons.

It is set to be released on August 8. I really enjoyed her last book and wrote about it here, here, and here. I can’t want to see what wonderful ideas, recipes and beautiful photos Sharon has in her book. She gave a sneak preview of it on her blog, see it here.

I do look forward to reading this book and hope to share what I learn from it. 

Art in Indy

Last year I shared a post about the Stutz Art Show that we attended. We decided to attend it again with our kids and we always enjoy it. (see last year’s post here)

They had more classic cars and more bands playing music everywhere. Some of the same artists were there but then again there were a few new faces.

We had a good time. I did not take any photos this year. I learned that some of the artists do not like it. So I wanted to respect their work and just enjoy it. I did however take photos of some of the floral arrangements that were there.

Beautiful, beautiful simply beautiful!
Okay, I did manage to sneak in one piece but that was all. So pretty…..
Okay, this was my favorite thing in the whole show. This artist brought in some fresh lilac from her garden at home. She was really nice and very pleasant. Love the blue and white plate of course!
I hope you take advantage of whatever art shows or galleries you have in your city. Like Jennifer L. Scott would say, “continue to seek the arts”.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)