Furniture Shopping for my Home ~ Round 2

Last weekend I decided to go and look at some furniture. The last time I did this was in 2014 see here to read about it. As I look back on that blog post I can see that I have not wavered in my choices of furniture nor colors and honestly we have purchased most of those items! I was a bit tickled when I realized that.

I wanted to take a look at the Joanna Gaines Collection at Value City. I think most of us have heard of this lovely duo. She has a wonderful blog called At Home: A Blog by Joanna Gaines. I just recently found it and will be reading it more often. I have a subscription to her new magazine and have written a blog post about her see here.

I was really excited to see her collection and took photos of my fav pieces. If you have an opportunity to see her collection in person I would encourage you to go and take a peek.

This beauty was upfront when you walked in. 

I can’t get enough of this Carpe Diem Accent Chairs. 
I had my husband sit in one and he thought it was really comfortable! Yeah!!!
Now this I also LOVED. It is called the Dapper Sofa- Emerald. I love how rich the color is and the velvet. Honestly it’s different and here in Indiana everyone seems to have the same furniture in their homes. It’s really sad. It’s like we all visit each other’s homes and then we can’t figure out what we want so we just go and copy our friend’s or families homes. Sick of it!!!
I am not doing it! I will only buy what I love and what sings to me.  
Another Carpe Diem chair…..
Now this is not apart of her collection but I do love it. 
It is called the Venus Serving Cart- Rose. 
I thought this was fabulous! This is called the Final Estate Canvas Print.
Different and lovely….
This was another great sofa. Not from her collection again but it was a great color. 
I don’t like the pillows but it’s wonderful. It is called the Candice Sofa- Gray

And finally we saw this wonderful sectional from the Joanna Gaines Collection. 
It is the Chisel Sectional. It is very stunning!!!
So stunning that…..
We purchased it!!!! We do love it and we are enjoying it. I have been wanting a gray sectional for 2 years now and the wait was worth it. I am so glad to be getting rid of the brown furniture that we have had for years. I have also been incorporating blue and white into the family room and kitchen. 
It’s different and chic..
I am really enjoying the changes in my home and will be doing some more changes down the road. I am hoping to get a new dining room table soon. Fingers crossed!

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

The Goops ~ A poem about manners

~ The Goops

The Goops they lick their fingers,

And the Goops they lick their knives;

They spill their broth on the tablecloth-

Oh, they lead disgusting lives!

The Goops they talk while eating,

And loud and fast they chew;

And that is why I’m glad that I am NOT a Goop – are you?

~ Gelett Burgess

photo credit This is Glamorous Instagram account

Living La Dolce Vita

About a week ago I shared on the blog about living “la dolce vita”. I loved the tips that Kristi Belcamino gave in her book La Bella Figura. Now I have finished reading it and wanted to share a particular section of the book.

Kristi gave a wonderful description of her inner Italian Girl Gabriella and how she lived. It is truly inspiring…

Gabriella luxuriously cups her hand around her warm cafe au lait bowl, taking sips between bits of her homemade bread, toasted and buttered……

For summer lunches she will eat a salad and during the winter- a bowl of soup with a small piece of bread and a sliver of gourmet cheese. 

For dinner, she will eat pasta, chicken, or fish with a vegetable salad along with a glass of wine. She usually reserves desserts for Sundays. (I need to adopt this rule!)

On Sundays, she refrains from spending any money. (Oh dear…) 

During the warmer months, meals are eaten en tavola, al fresco, at the picnic table on her patio. 

A colorful tablecloth is complimented by big terra cotta pots of red geraniums bordering the patio.

Gabriella fills her life with intellectual, emotional, and spiritual pursuits; spending her free time focused on books, film, food, good conversation, and good friends. She strives to live a life rich in experience and not things. (Wow, focusing on experiences, not things)

photo credit La Morena 

She owns a small, but perfect -fitting wardrobe. Every item is of the highest quality she can afford and works with her body, style, and life. She buys new items rarely and with much thought. She resists impulse buys…..

When she does buy something it is from a list of clothing items she needs to replace or feels will be an important addition to her wardrobe….

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Her pantry is slim. She doesn’t buy in bulk unless it is during her quarterly trip to a warehouse store where she will stock up on olive oil, Parmigiano Reggiano, coffee, and dried pasta from Italy. Otherwise, she shops two to three times a week, filling her French market basket mostly with fresh produce.

She never snacks and always sits to eat. (This is major!!!) She always puts her utensils down between her small bites. She chews slowly, savoring all the flavors.

Her kitchen is small and meticulously kept clean and free of clutter, like the rest of her home. In fact, everything in her home is either beautiful or useful. She lives by the William Morris adage that “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

This quote is so meaningful to me…..

photo credit This is Glamorous Instagram account
The decor theme in her home revolves around unique, mostly original artwork, lots of books, plants, and big comfy furniture with sumptuous fabrics and soft, sparkling lighting. She has a few treasured items displayed that are meaningful to her, but her real joy lies in her bookshelves, where she keeps only well-loved volumes.

She has developed an aura of mystique, refraining from sharing details of her life with acquaintances. She tries not to talk about herself but instead talks about ideas. She can intelligently discuss the latest local, national or international news or a new book or film she has seen. She is very passionate but is able to share her opinions in a poised manner. 

She does not worry anymore. She is assertive. She can respond to requests by saying, “No, I’m sorry I can’t do that,” or “I’m sorry I don’t attend (home sales parties), but thank you for asking,” without feeling the need to explain or defend herself. She also does not elaborate on a compliment but simply says a gracious “thank you.” 

photo credit Nicola Bathie Instagram account
Every day she makes sure to count her blessings and appreciate her life right then and there. 

This was such a wonderful section in the book. I did not share it all. There was way more information about her inner Italian girl so I would encourage you to download the book to your Kindle or order it. It was a wonderful read.

To read my other blog posts about inspiring Italian women see herehere, here, and here.


Breakfast Casserole

I love trying new recipes so when my fav author Jennifer L. Scott decided to share her recipe for her breakfast casserole, I just had to give it a try.

I followed her instructions and it came out great! We ate it Christmas morning and it was a nice breakfast to have after opening presents.

My casserole at home
Here is the recipe:
And video….
I hope you enjoy this recipe just as much as I did. 

(photos Mrs. Shockley & Jennifer L. Scott)

Top Posts for 2016

My home

Oh my I can’t believe another year has passed already! I am heading toward year three for blogging. Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy it but there are some days that I do want to quit.

It can be a lot of work coming up with new posts three times a week! But I know what it is like to have a favorite blogger or Youtuber quit on you. You feel lost for a while because you enjoy the inspiration that they provide every week.

I am not saying that I am the best but I know that I have a least one follower who enjoys my posts (I hope)……     🙂

Now here are the top posts or top viewed entries for 2016. I hope to bring more inspiration this year and I hope that I am continually inspired from you as well. Thank you!!!

~ An Elegant Routine

~ My Visit to the Biltmore

~ Wine Tasting at the Biltmore

~ Being Private at Home

~ Principles of a Gracious Life ~ Elegance

~ The Butler Speaks ~ The Art of Housekeeping

~ Feminine Pursuits

~ Cottage Love

~ Gracious Interactions

~ Renewing Vows

And here the the past top posts here on the blog:

~ Top Posts for 2014

~ Top Posts for 2015

My First Cheese Plate

I shared on the blog last week about the french cheese board (see here if you missed it). So for our family New Year’s celebration I decided to make my first cheese plate for my family and I.

I went to our local grocery store and went to the Murray’s Cheese section and I picked up a small sample package.

One of the rep’s there had a great sampler out that day and I tried the brie. Oh goodness was it good! I also tried the gouda and Irish cheese. So good….

I talked with her about crackers and spreads. She directed me to the fig spread and these tasty thin wafer crackers. Just delicious….

I picked up some sweet green grapes, flowers and headed up front to pay for my items.
I couldn’t wait to get home to taste everything. The sampler that I purchased included all the cheeses, bread and meat that you see and it was only $5.99!! The brie (white cheese) and fig spread I purchased separately. I spent under $20 for everything.
Of course the wines were purchased separately. My favorite wine in all the world is the Risata Moscato d’Asti. I could drink it every day but I don’t. We got the Welch’s Sparkling Grape for the kids and they loved it!
Overall it was a great cheese plate and I will be doing it again very soon! To read the blog post that inspired me click here. It is quite delightful….

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Weekend Flats

I am not really a flats kinda gal but when I saw these while I was walking by I could not resist. They have a slight wedge and are not super low to the ground and are not super high.

I think they are the perfect weekend shoe for me to run errands in and still look chic.

My flats at home
They are called the Gessa Demi-Wedge. They come in black and taupe. 
I took them for a “test run” this weekend and they did not disappoint. I received lots of compliments too! I hope you can grab a pair.

(photo Mrs. Shockley & Google)