Style Tips for Elegant Women


Good Morning!

Oh goodness, I am finding myself to be so “froggy” lately and honestly, I know what it is! It’s because we are normally on vacation this month and all of our vacation memories are coming up in our Facebook memories and it is not helping me! I need a change of scenery!

I just keeping telling myself “calm down September will be here soon”. I am so ready for our trip and for getting away. It is really going to be so different for us. We will have no kids, no dogs to worry about, and will be able to stay where we want! Oh goodness! I am really looking forward to it. 

I have been on the hunt for lots of ideas and new podcasts to inspire my daily life. I recently found Tonya Leigh on Youtube and then on Spotify. I loved her “elegant woman series” and had to share some of her tips on style with you all. 



The first commandment is elegant women wear what they love. That’s right, they just wear what they love. They don’t depend on the outside world to tell them what’s in style, what they should wear, what the season is telling them is appropriate or what’s acceptable.

The second commandment of elegant women is that they dress for their dreams. And this is where self-image comes into the picture. Because we can get so used to seeing ourselves in a certain way that we continue to choose clothing to reconfirm a certain image that we have of ourselves. (I love this commandment!)

The third style commandment of elegant women is to choose quality over quantity. Now, I know that those sales are tempting. And you’re thinking, “Why don’t I just get a bunch of these things right now because they’re 50% off?” But this is not how elegant women think. Elegant women are not about quantity. They are about quality. They don’t want to invest in things that fall apart after the first few wears. And I believe it is better to have one quality piece than 10 crappy ones. (But I do keep in mind that everyone has their own budget)

Style commandment number four of elegant women is a big one, and it’s one that I have to remind women of often in my programs. And that is, elegant women dress the body they have now.

How many of you are waiting until you lose the weight to invest in clothes that make you feel beautiful? It’s like putting yourself in purgatory. And it doesn’t work. And the reason why it doesn’t work is that you are reconfirming a self-image that is out of alignment with the version of you who has lost the weight.



Now, I get not wanting to go and buy really expensive things if you know that you’re going to lose the weight, in a year from now, chances are you won’t be wearing those things. But that doesn’t mean that you neglect the body that you have now.

I have been guilty of a few of these and especially the last one. I have held off buying clothes because of my size. I have always had issues with my weight. But I have never wanted it to stop me from being elegant.

I hope you all have enjoyed these tips. I am linking the rest of the style commandments here for you to read and enjoy. Until then have a great day! 



(style tips from author Tonya Leigh)



A Beauty Secret ~ Skin Tag Removal



Good Morning!

I was recently antiquing, and I heard some of the owners of the store talking about estate sales. I went over and asked them how they found out about estate sales nearby. They then told me how they signed up for notifications on Facebook Marketplace. So I signed up a few weeks ago and got my first notification! There is an estate sale tomorrow morning, and I am thinking about swinging by. Wish me luck! 

Yes you read the title of this post correctly! I am talking about skin tag removal today! I know it’s a nasty subject, but I had a few that just drove me nuts and I tried so many things to get rid of them. The problem was my tags were too small for a lot of the solutions but they “stuck out” enough from my skin that they were irritating and were causing me pain.

I researched tons of products, creams, lotions, rubber band devices that I thought would work, but the reviews were just not good. It must have been a “God” moment because this ended up in my Google search and the reviews I could not ignore.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


I ordered the Forces of Nature Organic Skin Tag Remover. I wanted something organic or as natural as I could get! This has numerous raving reviews and for the price I thought, why not try it! I am so glad that I did. It WORKED!

Now the bottle is very small but your tags don’t need much liquid on them. This came with a rollerball applicator, so it was easy to apply. I just rolled it on my tags at night and then went to sleep. The smell is okay but trust me you can deal with it. I noticed as the days went by the tags got harder and harder. Then the one under my pit fell off! Then the second one on my neck fell off! Both tags took about 3 weeks, but I didn’t care about the time. It worked. 

I had one on my inner thigh that was huge! I kept applying the liquid to it and it took closer to 2 months but one morning I noticed that it wasn’t irritating me as much and it began to dry up. Then the next day I noticed that it was gone! I was so happy to see that little guy gone! I had been dealing with that thing for almost 10 years. Enough was enough! So, if you have a skin tag that is driving you nuts, I would seriously consider ordering this. I don’t think you will regret it. I am not being paid to say this. I paid my own money and went through the process myself. Order it!

Have a great weekend!





A Snippet from Teatime Discipleship



Good Morning All,

I feel a little better. I was able to sleep in on Sunday. I decided to stay home and rest a little, do a few house chores, and try to get some things done. While I was vacuuming my bedroom and thought came into my head. “I am in a different stage in life. I no longer want to take my weekends and just clean my house. From now on, since we are not going to have children around, I will do daily house scans and just add whatever needs to be cleaned to my list.” After that thought passed thru my mind, I had a sense of peace come over me. 

It’s interesting…. being in this different stage of life. A new chapter is beginning for me, and I am trying to navigate it as best as I can. In the mornings I love having my devotional. I have been reading Teatime Discipleship and it helps me start the day with my mind in the right place. 

I loved Sally Clarkson, the author, tips on discouragement. She provided a wonderful list to keep in your mind. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


  • God is with me, and He will help me succeed.  Each of us experiences “winter” seasons in our lives- times when growth is stagnant, when our dreams appear to be dead and buried. But while we can hardly perceive at the time, roots are growing deep in these seasons.


  • There are always do-overs in God’s economy. All of us mess up. Peter blew it royally when he denied Christ at His hour of need, but before he even sinned, Jesus told Peter He had prayed for him. Jesus had compassion on Peter before His disciple had even committed his sinful act. 


  • A wise woman learns her limitations. Sometimes women go so long without taking a break that they start breaking down. Wise women learn to say no so they don’t live in a constant state of exhaustion. 


  • I can seek outside perspective. You might need some inspiration and counsel in order to move forward. Find someone older, wiser and more experienced to help you come up with a plan. Sometimes this is easier said than done! But I have found that when I summon the courage to pour out my heart to more mature believers, I usually find compassion and often find help. (When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comfort delights my soul. ~ Psalm 94:19) 


  • I can pace myself. If you’re feeling overwhelmed at the tasks ahead, ask yourself what’s stealing your peace of mind. Commit to identifying the stressors and drainers over which you have control and, as much as possible, eliminate them. Be honest about what needs to go and vigilant about removing it from your life. 


  • I can give the day to God. First things first! Beginning the day with the Lord will orient you. Set yourself on the right path for the hours head, with God’s truth and wisdom casting light over your priorities and plans. 

I hope you all enjoyed this snippet from Teatime Discipleship. This book also has great teatime recipes and ideas for fellowship with friends. Things have been so crazy in the world. I try to ground myself in the mornings as much as possible. 

“The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn. That shines brighter and brighter until the full day.” ~ Proverbs 4:18


(tips from Sally Clarkson, Teatime Discipleship, pgs. 99-105) 

Why Should I Add Elegance to my Home?


Good Morning,

It has been such a busy week. Today is our last day watching our neighbors greyhound and bearded dragon! It has been rough adding it to our daily schedules, but we have gotten through it. This weekend I am hoping to SLEEP in a little. 

Our summer vacation plans just took a different turn. Lauren will be going with her brother and some friends to an amusement park and has basically asked us not to come. I was a little sad by this but then I realized that Rick and I have NEVER taken a vacation together without our kids! So we are planning to visit the Swan House, have lunch at the Swan Coach House and do some shopping in Atlanta in September! I must admit I am a little excited by this. I will keep you all updated as we plan this trip!

In today’s post I wanted to talk about a recent podcast that I listened to called “How to Cultivate an Elegant Home in the 21st Century”. Author Shannon Ables shares tips from interior designer Timothy Corrigan and how he things elegance is much easier to add to your home than what you think. 


photo credit: L. Shockley 

Timothy says, “Elegance is not something that adds stress or difficulty to our lives — quite the contrary. True elegance . . . means confidence in who you are and what you love, grace in how you handle yourself, and openness to the best in others.”

Great quote, isn’t it?



This is my favorite quote of Timothy’s “Elegance adds immense pleasure to life. To seek elegance — in your behavior, in what you wear and surround yourself with —is a treat you give to yourself and, almost inadvertently, share with those around you.”

I can attest to this myself. Whenever people come to my office at work or my home there is always of sigh of pleasure when they come. They always enjoy something and ask where I got it. People yearn for elegance. They just don’t know that’s what the sigh is all about. 

I am linking Shannon’s blog post. She goes into more details about the book and tips from Timothy that I know you will enjoy. If you are on your way to work, then listen to the podcast. I have linked it above. Let me know what elegance you have added into your life. Have a wonderful weekend! 


A Beautiful Life Contains Small Things…



Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a good holiday. Ours was a bit rocky. We have been having thunderstorm after thunderstorm. Some have been okay, but others have been difficult. We lost power on Sunday and then had hail!! It was awful. Luckily the power came back on after about 40 minutes, and it does not appear that we have hail damage on my husband’s truck. It’s been really awful!

We kept our holiday simple. I really did not want to do much. I just wanted to hang out at home and look at some things online. I think that I shared that recently how I am wanting an English aesthetic in my life. When I saw the recent Sarah Flint Gracie collection with the beautiful and breathtaking shoe bags this quote came into my mind, “Having a beautiful life is also in the accessories that you possess”. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

I have always loved the “small” beautiful things in my life but now that I am getting older, I want my small life items to be beautiful as well. I mean why not? The world has been such a crazy place recently and it does not seem like it is going to get any better! 

I reached out to my contact with Sarah Flint and asked if we could purchase more shoes bags. They of course said that it was not an option. I will mention that in our next Zoom call. I believe that her shoe bags would do so well! 



I think that the small details in our lives can put smiles on our faces. These garden floral napkins from Pottery Barn just arrived. I smiled as soon as I saw them. Beautiful small details… 



This lovely English garden inspired pillow cover just arrived as well. I added it to my loft and it is sitting on my pale green settee. The combination of colors and patterns just adds to the beauty and simplicity in my office space. This stunning pillow case is also a favorite of mine and should be arriving next month. 

Wherever you are in life, and it doesn’t matter your budget, add beautiful things in the small items that you possess. Life is so short. Make your journey every day beautiful.  Have a great day!



  • Post contains affiliate links 

New Sarah Flint Gracie Collection



Good Morning and Happy Friday!

I am looking forward to my four-day weekend! I need to get some things done in the home. I hope to do a “phone cleanup” and clean out my handbags. I also need to get some things on my calendar that need to be scheduled. We plan on keeping it quiet at our home. I enjoy the 4th of July, but some people just overdo it. Lighting fireworks until 2 or 3 in the morning is a bit much but it is what it is. 

My recent hair salon visit went very well. I am happy to say that I have a new hair stylist and will be going to her for my upkeep. She was wonderful and very nice. I also did my floral prep training at Random Acts of Flowers. I can now start volunteering at this organization. Yay me!

I hope you all got my recent newsletter. In that newsletter, I share the new Gracie Collection from Sarah Flint. You guys I am so happy that they did a second collaboration! It is gorgeous!


photos via Sarah


I have honestly been smitten with the new kitten heel pump since it launched last year. Seeing it in the new Gracie print is like a grandmillennial dream! 



Just look at the block heel sandal. The pink is the perfect pink. It doesn’t look like a Barbie pink or a neon pink. I call it an “elegant lady pink”. Aren’t they just lovely?


photos via Sarah Flint 


I cannot get enough of this pink! This is the Natalie Ballerina in the pink Holts garden print. I believe that once these are sold out this particular shoe and print will be extremely sought after! Just my opinion. 



Sarah shared in a recent Zoom meeting that this is the very first Oxford that she has created. I believe most of the sizes in this shoe are sold out already!



I actually love these as well. I was torn between these and the Perfect Pump Kitten heel 50. I believe that Sarah did a phenomenal job using a men’s silhouette to accomplish this design. It was executed well. 



The last thing that I wanted to share were the custom Gracie shoe bags! I saw these on the Sarah Flint Instagram stories and fell in love! I believe each pair will come with a custom shoe bag like this. What a beautiful surprise! I have already reached out to ask if I could also purchase an additional set of the shoe bags? I would love to have these for traveling. If you see a pair that you love don’t hesitate to use my code SARAHFLINT-BASMSSHOCKLEY for 60$ off your order. We still have people asking about last year’s Gracie collection. We hope that Sarah will re-launch but there are no guarantees. Order while you can! 

Have a great 4th of July!



  • Affiliate links attached, this post is sponsored. 



June Favorites ~ 2023



Good Morning Everyone,

I had a pretty good weekend. Although I did go and look at a new cabinet for my bookcase and I walked away from it. It just had too much damage and the seller did not want to drop the price so the quest continues. I had some glorious purchases from Poshmark recently. I will be sharing them below as some of my favorites. 


First on my list is our daughter’s Open House party. I still can’t believe that she has graduated from school and will be headed to college in the fall. It is so incredible!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


We decided to keep things simple. We ordered most of her food. I really didn’t want to cook anything, and it turned out very well. She was happy and so were we! I was thrilled when she said that she wanted blue and white as her colors. I thought, “well that is just perfect”. 



Second on my list is my new sage green or pale green nail color. I found this at the grocery store and it is called “Thyme is money”. I was actually inspired by an influencer to try this color. I will share her down below. 



My third favorite for the month is florals. I don’t know why but I am extremely inspired by florals this season. I always have flowers around, but I am craving an English garden aesthetic. I want it in my clothes, shoes, accessories, and home decor. I just want it in everything! I wore this outfit to work last week and my chief says, “you look absolutely wonderful today”! I said, “thank you. I was trying to channel an English garden today”. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Speaking of florals, my fifth favorite is my new but old vintage Gucci Scarf. I have been searching on Poshmark for years for a vintage floral Gucci scarf. Every time that I found one it would be priced too high. I found this one a few weeks ago and went ahead and made an offer. I love it and I think it fits perfectly into my wardrobe and provides the English garden aesthetic that I want. 



My sixth favorite are my new vintage insect brooches. I found these on Poshmark as well. I did a search for “bug brooch” and these popped up. I originally made an offer on the green spider but then I received a message from the seller offering me the other two bee brooches as well. I paid only $50 for all three! What a steal! They are a great size as well! Not too small at all, very elegant! 

And my last guilty pleasure for the month has been Lydia Millen’s Youtube channel.

I have found so much inspiration for this channel. I think I may have fallen more in love with pale or sage green. I simply adore Lydia’s dressing closet which you will see in her videos. Her sage green nail polish, bright smile, English accent and exquisite taste. I hope that you enjoy her channel just as much as I do. 

I hope you all enjoyed my June favorites. I wanted to let everyone know that my spring sale is still going on for the boutique. Just use code spring15 and get 15% off of your order. The Vintage Vanity Collection still has pieces left!