Christmas Musings Around My Home

Decorating has been a huge outlet and source of inspiration in my life. I have always loved beautiful homes and beautiful living. I am not a millionaire nor do I have a lot of money but I do my very best with what I have.

I believe that you should always use your best in life. And I also believe that if you use your best you will be rewarded with much more. These are photos of things around my home. This is my way of “elegant living”.

My sitting room. Icicle lights in the windows.

My huge poinsettia from Costco. We buy 3 every year.

Peppermint M & M’s

Table centerpiece

My Christmas birdhouse

The “Christmas glasses”. They turn the Christmas lights to stars.

My office

Table setting during Thanksgiving

Roses from my husband. I love the rich colors. 

Me relaxing at home
Enjoying “Beauty at Home” by Aerin Lauder

(all photos via AHFE)

The Winner of the Bling Earmuff Giveaway is…

Thank you to all who entered and thank you to all my readers!
This has been a wonderful journey. I really enjoy communicating and sharing things that I love on my blog. I have only been doing this for 1 year so it’s been great seeing all the traffic.
I wanted to do this giveaway as a thank you to my readers.
So without further ado, the winner of the bling earmuff giveaway is…….
Shery from South Carolina!!!!!

Please send me an email and let me know when and where I can ship the earmuffs.
Thanks again for being such a dedicated supporter!!!
And as always enjoy!

My Tour of the Governor’s Mansion

This past week my co-worker and I took a tour of our local Governor’s mansion. The tour was free and the butler that took us around has worked there for 40 years!!! It was a wonderful tour and I will be going back in the spring. They have a garden tour then. They take you on a tour of the grounds. There are magnolia trees, lilac bushes, lilies, roses and spearmint. I can’t wait! I am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful flowers and maybe learning something too. 
Me at the entryway

The entryway chandelier 

The chimney

Blue and white vases

But of course I must take pictures of the chandelier 

Overview of the living room

The upstairs was blocked off. You can only tour
the downstairs.

The governor’s office

The dining room

Dining room chandelier 

The hand painted mural in the dinning room. 

Love the silver!

The breakfast room

The kitchen

The family room

Very cozy….

The outdoor entertaining space

The butler “Mr. Dexter”. He has been working here
for 40 years! 

If you would like to tour the Governor’s mansion, see here.

(all photos via AHFE)

Scarf Tying Ideas

The scarf is such an essential tool in a woman’s wardrobe. I have several baskets in my closets. I also keep a basket in my car full of scarves and pashminas. 

Last year I wrote an entry (see here) about ways to tie a scarf. Maitai has several great videos about how to tie her luxurious Hermes scarves. Oh, gosh I always swoon over her collection. It’s just de toute beaute. 

I recently purchased this gorgeous scarf from Ann Taylor Loft. Along with the scarf came this very nice instructional tag on how to tie a scarf. I thought I would share it…

I love this look.

Me with the Ann Taylor Loft petaled square scarf
Below is a video from my favorite author Jennifer L. Scott on how to tie a scarf using the butterfly knot.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Bling Earmuff Giveaway

I love finding great accessories and sharing them with you all here on the blog. I found these “bling” earmuffs some weeks ago. I got a pair for my daughter and I and we both love them.

I decided to give a pair away here on the blog. If you would like to enter my “free giveaway”, please post your name below or on the blog’s facebook page in the comments section. I will take down your name and have my daughter draw the name of the winner next week.

Once we have our winner I will ship the earmuffs to you. Thanks for reading my blog and good luck!

My daughter and I with our earmuffs.
(photo via AHFE)

(Contest is for U.S. citizens only)

Our Trip to the State Museum

Last week I volunteered to chaperon my daughter’s field trip to the Indiana State Museum.  I was a bit nervous about having a group of hyper 5th graders to look after but I was looking forward to viewing some of the art work and spending time with my daughter.

The first 2 hours were left to us to explore the museum. We went all over. It was interesting seeing some of the exhibits. Especially, the exhibit dedicated to the 90’s! That hit me hard! They had a big-wheel on display and my kid just looked at me and said, “You rode one of those”? I thought, “oh goodness”.

I didn’t think I was old but now I guess I am. After we finished looking at “old stuff” we headed to the art room. They had some beautiful paintings on display. Below are a few of my favorites.

Summer Bouquet (1933)
by J. Edgar Forkner
Oil on Canvas
 A Garden is a Lovesome Thing
ca. 1919
Maude Kaufman Eggemeyer
Blooming Redbud
Maude Kaufman Eggemeyer
Chinese Things
Edna Stubbs Cathell
Foggy Landscape
John Elwood Bundy

When we walked in we saw this. Just beautiful.
What a good combination, Christmas and artwork. 
photos via AHFE

Be Thankful…

I am learning that being grateful for what you have and loving your own life brings so much peace. Love your own life. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
photo via Pinterest