Being the Perfect House Guest

The time is drawing near for the holidays and being someone’s house guest may be on your list for this holiday season. Real Simple magazine has a great list called 10 Ways to be the Ideal Houseguest.

This is a great list that one can use to master the art of house guest etiquette. You don’t want to ruin your chances of being uninvited to your friend’s beautiful colonial in New York (my friend’s home in New York see here).

1) Be clear about how long you will stay ~ 
Make sure you lock down your visiting dates far in advance with your hosts…..

Photo by Trend on Unsplash

2) No surprises please~ 
Never show up unannounced

3) Choose the perfect gift~
Proper guest etiquette requires a gift.  Try a delicious delicacy from your hometown or a flowering plant….

4) House Rules Rule
When you arrive gently inquire about how things are done to avoid any misunderstandings…..

Photo by Андрей Постовой on Unsplash

5) Be Appropriate
Everybody has different comfort levels when it comes to baring. Before you walk down the hall in your shower towel – take cues from your host, when in doubt err on the side of modesty. 

6) Help Out
You should offer to help cook; set the table and do dishes; drive everyone in your car. Even if you are turned down your hosts will appreciate the gesture. 

7) Entertain Yourself
Your hosts still has a life and may have to work during the day. If so do some exploring on your own and let your hosts know what your plans are. 

8) BYO (Bring Your Own)
Don’t expect to use your hosts’ toiletries or other items. If you have forgotten to pack toothpaste inquire about where you can buy one. 

9) Leave No Trace
If there is one thing to take from these tips, it should be this: leave the place as clean as possible when you go.    

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

If you want to read more about this list then visit the link above. Also, if you missed my entry about Preparing for Guest see here.

Dermatologist Tips

I am still reading The French Beauty Solution. It is such a great reference book. I have really enjoyed learning about my skin and about sunblock.

I really didn’t know how important sunblock was until recently. Now, that I am in my 30’s my overall health has been at the top of my list. I am in Chapter 4 of the book. In this section Mathilde is discussing dermatologist visits. Are they needed?

Well, according to Dr. Waldorf, you should see a dermatologist for any of the following:

* For a baseline, healthy checkup at any age. Your doctor will photograph your entire body and use this in the future for comparison to see if any moles or spots are growing or changing. Given how prevalent skin cancer is, you can’t be too safe. Some women go to medi-spas to have moles removed, but this can be risky as the people working there are often not medically trained and can’t tell the difference between skin cancer and benign mole. The same risks go for at-home devices. When it comes to your skin, it’s always good to trust a professional.

* If you have any moles, spots, or splotches that don’t heal, change shape or color, or appear suddenly and don’t go away no matter what you try. A normal pimple doesn’t last for months, and scrubbing at it won’t make it go away and can make it much worse. 

* If you suddenly develop any skin condition such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, painful irritation, or rashes.

* If the texture of your skin changes dramatically. This can be due to fluctuating hormone levels. 

* If you start losing a lot of hair on your head and growing it on your face. This, too, might be caused by hormonal changes.

* If you just want advice about more intensive skin care treatments, especially to treat sun damage.

This book has been so helpful to me. I hope you can pick up a copy of your own and start educating yourself on the importance of skincare. I am looking forward to Chapter 5. I will be reading about skincare ingredients, natural oils, and perfume. 

To read more about my entries on this book see here and here.

Text by Mathilde Thomas 

Glitter Heels at Payless

It’s that time of the year where glitter heels are in style!! Well, glitter heels are always in style for me. I will wear them year round. Just ask my co-workers!!

I always walk through the mall on my lunch hour and take a sneak peak at what new glitter heels will be available for purchasing. Surprisingly enough I was walking by Payless Shoe Source and saw these beauties in the window.

I thought, Huh! Wow, these are gorgeous! I had to have them. I have been wearing them all week and have gotten nothing but beautiful compliments. If you are a glitter heel lover then check out these at your local Payless or online. They come in 4 different colors. Enjoy!!!!

photo via AHFE

Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic

My favorite author Jennifer L. Scott just came out with her third installment of the Madame Chic book series! Polish Your Poise with Madame Chic was released on October 27. I already had my copy pre-ordered!!!

I was so excited to receive my book. I have already begun reading it. I can’t get enough of hearing about the stories of  Madame Chic. How she dressed, how she prepared her meals with thought every day.

It seemed as though she lived her life with purpose. Learning how to live your life with beauty is very hard sometimes. People either love it or hate it. I get a combination of both. I have women who turn their noises up at me because I fresh flowers in my office everyday.

Sometimes the women stare at me because I am at the grocery store in a dress or skirt and pearls. But I know secretly in their hearts they long to be elegant. Most women do. I know that some women don’t have the confidence nor imagination to execute beauty. But one can learn with a good attitude.

In Jennifer’s book she gives 5 Characteristics of Poise. These tips will help you to get your mind set on being elegant. Here is the list….

1. Confidence: Feeling comfortable in your own skin; a genuine self- assurance.

2. Composure: Keeping a positive perspective while maintaining calm self-possession.

3. Compassion: Thinking of others and practicing selfless.

4. Presentation: Appropriately and stylishly dressed, with good posture.

5. Present: Poised people live passionately in the present moment.

Poise is defined as a graceful and elegant bearing. Hopefully these tips you set you on the path to being an elegant bearing person. If you want to read about my other entries in regards to her books see here and here

My copy at home

photo via Mrs. Shockley

The French Woman Inspires

I love learning about French women. What they eat, how the shop, decorate, and what they wear. Well, Sharon Santoni’s book My Stylish French Girlfriends has exposed what it is like to live like the French.

I can not tell you how much I adore this book. It goes into detail about each woman and what they do for work, how they live, and how they accomplished their dreams. Each woman had a goal or dream and each one was able to make it come true. It is truly inspiring.

Here is a passage from one of the stories~

Who would have thought it possible to experience village life in the heart of Paris? To set your watch by the chimes of the church bells; to chat with the local baker as you buy your daily bread; to watch your children go to school on foot each morning and to shop at the farmers market a few minutes from your home?

Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash
Here is another passage from the book ~

“They wanted to stay in the region and first visited the Chateau de la Marine, but it was beyond their budget. At one point this chateau belonged to the French Navy, from where it got its name. It has a beautiful view of the sea, and Catherine and Guy both loved it, but they stuck to their figures and regretfully continued looking.

Months of fruitless searching ensued until, disheartened, they went off sailing for three months, When they came back, they heard that the Chateau de la Marine remained unsold and decided to make an offer. It was meant to be; their offer was accepted and Catherine’s dream suddenly became a reality.”

I am truly inspired by the French. I love the thought of buying my food every day. Walking to the beautiful bakeries. Only having the freshest ingredients every day. It truly does inspire you. I will take some ideas and living habits from each one of these women and create my own life that will inspire. 

The Snowflake Brooch

Last Christmas Talbots has a snowflake brooch that was just absolutely sensational and like an idiot, I waited to get it. Sure enough, it sold out!!

I was so bummed!! So for this autumn season, I wanted to make sure that did not happen again. So I went into our local store to check and see if they had received any and to call me as soon as they did.

They called and I hurried in there to put one on hold. The “friends and family” sale is this Thursday and I will be able to get it for 30% off!! I am so excited to finally have my brooch. It has been a long wait.

photos via Mrs. Shockley ~ A Shoe Haven

I am such a girly, girl. I love everything about being woman and I am sorry to mention that shopping can be one of the bad habits that a girly, girl can have.

I love shoes but finding them recently has been a pain. I love shoes that I can wear on the weekends as well as work. I am not a tennis shoe person. I only wear those when I am working out.

I don’t like these horrid platforms that they have out now. I don’t understand how those can be comfortable or elegant. But everyone likes what they like so let’s move on.

I found a great website while shoe hunting last year. It is called All of the prices are reasonable and if there was a shoe that you didn’t want to pay full price for at the store, you may be able to find it on this website. I would strongly suggest you visit it. I love it and ordering shoes from this site has just been a wonderful experience.

I just ordered these. They are the Calvin Klein leather heel.

I only paid $37!!! It was free shipping. How good does that sound?

photos via