The Art of Witty Comebacks ~Harper’s Bazaar

I am so behind on my magazine reading. I mean I am months behind!! So while waiting for the Bloglovin website to come up I picked up the September issue of Harper’s Bazaar and being to read an article called The Art of the Retort.

There were some excellent points on how to master the witty comeback. My husband is a very witty man and sometimes when we are alone at home I ask him how he comes up with his responses. He always tells me that he has no idea. I guess some people are just naturals at being a “smarty pants”.

But Joan Juliet Buck explores the power of wit. He are some of her points:

One, wit is a response.  Two, wit must contain NO aggression.  Three, wit must be fresh.  Four, wit must be uttered with an innocent sincerity that turns reality on its head.

One: A witticism is a spontaneous reaction to a circumstance. A quip never refers to anything that is not happening right now, and cannot begin with “By the way…,” “The other day…,” “When I was a child…,” “or non sequiturs such as “I always thought dandelions were onions.” The quip must magnify the absurdity of the Here and Now, which requires some discipline, even training. There are shortcuts.

Two: There is nothing witty about expletives, aggression, or meanness. Action Theater, teaches you that the richest material comes from playing off a close observation of what the other person is doing or saying. Action Theater also teaches you to think not only on your feet but with your eyes, ears, hands and tips of your hair.

Three: Recycling will save the planet but is the death of wit. The best lines are best used once. Others can repeat your good lines, but you cannot. Quoting yourself is as bad as saying “I’m beautiful.”

The lonely wit must be sincere, unguarded, true. Anything really funny that is going to come out of your mouth won’t be the result of the calculation, research, product testing, rehearsal, dry runs. It will be the kiss of the flying spirit. 

Four. Don’t be too smart. Show-offs depress and irritate.

text by Joan Juliet Buck 

Elegance is Mystery

I saw an interview recently with fashion icon Carolina Herrera and in that interview, she discussed the importance of mystery. She said, “that mystery is very important in life”. I found that quote to be very profound but honestly I should have not been surprised.

Carolina is known for being one of the most elegant women in the world and I don’t see her personal life smeared all over the news or magazines.

I love her new bridal collection but then again who doesn’t. Even the commercials are captivating. Here is a video from her new bridal collection and one of the chicest bridal commercials I have ever seen.

(video via Youtube)

Table Settings with Rachel Ashwell

The table setting is such a fun and wonderful way to add more decor to your home. I was watching a Youtube video of Rachel Ashwell this past week and was just inspired by her beautiful china.

I love Rachel’s style and wrote about her last year on my blog (see here). I adore her ultra-feminine designs and fabrics. Her style is sure to inspire any girly girl. Watch her gorgeous and fun video below. 

video from Youtube

My Stylish French Girlfriends ~ An Inspiring Book

Okay, so I have been hearing about this book for a couple of months now and I just received my copy last week. Let me tell you that I am already halfway through the book! I can’t put it down. It is just that fascinating to me!

I love reading all the stories about each girlfriend and how they accomplished their dreams. Sharon Santoni is the author if this charming book and the author of the blog My French Country Home. She talks about 20 of her stylish girlfriends. She goes and visits their grand chateau’s, parisian apartments and businesses. They are florists, painters, writers, wedding dress designers, and so on and so on. I am so inspired by these women.

Sharon deliberately sought out women from all over the country, reaching from Calais in the north to Provence in the south. Each girlfriend was chosen because she has a story to tell and a great lifestyle to portray.

You should definitely purchase a copy of this book. It is a wonderful example of women inspiring women.

Video of the photoshoot for the book 

Favorite Artist ~Claire Basler

I have never really been interested in art but lately, I have been paying more attention to it. I don’t know why but I have been drawn to artwork lately. Maybe I am getting older or maybe my sense of style is changing. One of my good friends told me that every 10 years your personal style begins to change.

Well, it has been 10 years so maybe that is the reason why art has been on my brain. As some of you know I follow quite a few bloggers. One blog that I follow is This is Glamorous. The author Roseline, wrote an article about an artist named Claire Basler

I could not believe how beautiful her art was. The paintings just capture you. Claire is also one of the “stylish girlfriends” in Sharon Santoni’s new book My Stylish Girlfriends. Just look at her work below. My soul just sighs every time I look at it……

photo credit:  Dominique Bouteiller

photo credit: Mads Mogensen

To read the original article see here.

Early Fall Favorites ~2015

Now that fall is officially here it is time to start taking a peek at fall fashion and accessories. I am sorry but I love the fall!!!! Nothing wrong with summer but it is just too hot for me!

Finding classic, elegant shoes has been a job for the last few months. I really didn’t find to many sandals that I loved or heels but I stumbled on some great slip~ ins a few months ago.

I did a search on Google for leopard shoes and found these great slip~ in mules at Target!! I love them!! They are so comfortable and they go with everything. The price was reasonable and I adore them. I grab them on the weekends and run my errands and I still look great!

The second item that I love is this Anya Faux-Fur Snood from Chico’s. It is so chic and I can see myself wearing it with some of my classic white shirts and pearls.

Recently, I purchased a pair of Gucci sunglasses and fresh water pearls. I waited 1 year to purchase the pearls and 5 years to purchase the Gucci sunglasses. I saw Sandra Bullock wear a pair of incredibly chic Gucci sunglasses in the movie called the “Blind Side”.  

And last but certainly not least my next fall favorite is my Louis Vuitton Sac Plat tote. I purchased this a few months ago and I love it. I have always wanted a Louis Vuitton and I purchased my bag from Tradesy. I wrote about it a few months ago, see it here if you missed it. 

Me with my daughter at the flamingo exhibit at the zoo and of course 
I am carrying my bag. Love it!!!
photos via AHFE 

The New Fabric

A few months ago my husband went with his father to help a friend move some furniture into his new office space. This friend is an attorney and had some extra furniture that he did not want. So he offered some of the pieces to my husband.

My husband brings the furniture pieces home and I love all of them, except the burgundy arm chairs. They were hideous to me!! I told my husband to drop them off at the Goodwill but he saw the beauty in them before I did which is rare.

I just could not get past that color. I begin to stare at them and then I sat in them. They were tremendously comfortable. So the wheels in my mind begin to turn and I said, “Let’s just change the fabric”. I did a little research and found Vitian’s Re-Upholstery, LLC.

I gave her a call and she came out with these giant fabric books and looked at my chairs. She told me that they were over 30 years old and that I was nuts for wanting to drop them off at the Goodwill. She said, “They don’t make furniture like this anymore, you better keep them”. My husband then looks at me with this stupid smile on his face. Yeah, yeah, he was right.

After talking and laughing for a while we settle on a color called “Platinum”. It took several weeks because of all of the studs but I received them recently and I love them. I am very happy with my chairs and very happy that I listened to my husband.

My chairs before….

My chairs after…. love!!
photos via AHFE