Home Tour ~Dennis Basso’s Blue & White Haven

For those of us who are QVC fans we all know who Dennis Basso is! He is the bright, funny man with great style. I love his faux furs on QVC as well as his throws.

Dennis has an eye for glamour so I was not at all surprised by his gorgeous home tour in the Hamptons. Talk about blue and white inspiration……

(all photos via Traditional Home)

My Visit to the Butterfly Floral Garden

Having a whimsical garden has always been my dream. My husband and I have planted quite a bit this spring. We planted some lilac, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, peonies, lilies, gladiolus and dahlias. I have really enjoyed my garden this spring and summer. But it was nothing like the flower garden at the Butterfly Gardens here at our zoo.

Our friends were in town from New York and my husband and I decided to take them around our city. Of course Indianapolis is nothing like New York but we knew there were some excellent places to visit.

This was my first visit and I did not expect to see this gorgeous garden when we entered the courtyard. I was completely stunned! It was breathtaking to me…

The entryway….

The weeping willows were so majestic….

Yes, they were growing real pineapples!

This was one of my favorite spots.
The lily pads 

Me enjoying the garden

(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)

The Butterfly Garden

Our friends came in from New York so we decided to take a trip to the zoo. We spent the whole day looking at animals and catching up on each other’s lives. But once we were finished with the zoo we decided to visit the Butterfly Garden.

I have never been here before so it was a nice surprise when we entered the giant greenhouse….

This was a giant butterfly covered in flowers.

The butterflies were flying everywhere. 

This butterfly was huge

A butterfly mural 

(all photos via Mrs. Shockley)

What the French Envy about the Americans

As I mentioned a few weeks ago I am devouring the new book called The French Beauty Solution. I said that I would continue to share some of the information in the chapters that the author Mathilde Thomas discussed.

She wrote a section called, “What the French Envy about the Americans“. I found this list very fascinating….

* Your sparkling white, straight teeth, thanks to years of fluoride-rich water and good dentistry and orthodontia. 

* Your strong muscles and bones. Perhaps it’s the milk and meat and corn, you tend to eat as part of your regular diet when growing, but American women tend to look so much more fit and healthy than the French. Super- sporty cheerleaders and runners and gym-goers are always a source of awe.

* Your discipline when it comes to bad habits. Frenchwomen tend to smoke way too much. They know it’s a terrible, life threatening habit, and they don’t beat themselves up about it- when they should. Americans can go to the other extreme of “Oh my god, I’m going to get cancer if I have one cigarette”, or “I’m an alcoholic if I have one glass of wine”. That attitude will automatically make us want to light up and then order a bottle of Champagne.

* Your boundless energy. We just love America, and especially New York. Even though the city has been cleaned up in recent years, forcing out many of the artists and creative talent that gave New York its edge, there is still a special vibe and it is full of creative and ambitious people doing things to change the world. And, of course, Americans all over the country continually impress me with their innovation, ambition, gumption, and smarts, too.

These are just a few of the items on the list. I would encourage any one to buy this book. It has been a wonderful read.

My Piano Lessons

Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to learn the piano. I played the clarinet in 5th grade and that was all. We didn’t have piano lessons when I was in school and my mother was a single parent so money had to be spent on more important things.

But now, since I am an adult I figured I can learn at this stage in my life. I have the time and I really want to have something else in my life. Working, and being a mother are wonderful jobs but being able to do something for yourself keeps your emotions and mind at ease.

I heard that learning music makes you exercise a different part of the brain.  I want to keep my brain in excellent working condition and I want to add excellent quality to my life. I have been taking piano lessons for a month and I am enjoying it!!! My teacher has over 20 years of experience and is a feisty little lady. She is from Russia and has lived in Indianapolis for quite some time. She has a cute little studio on the south side and her prices are very reasonable.

 Right now, I am learning how to read music so that has been a great challenge! But I am doing very well and want to succeed. One song that I have learned to play is called “The Morning in Spring”. It is very short and has taken me 2 weeks to learn.

I am very proud of myself and it has been a great joy to see my family come to the loft to hear me. My step-son has taken a great interest in my lessons. It makes me smile when he attempts to learn the music. He is in a band so it is taking him no time to learn the music. If there is something that you have always wanted to learn then I would encourage you to pursue your dreams.

We are only making this journey once. Make it an elegant one…..

Photo by peter bucks on Unsplash

Things that Make You Age

This past July a wonderful book was released called The French Beauty Solution by Mathilde Thomas. I went to my local bookstore to take a peek at it too see if it was worth my purchasing. And I have had it a few weeks now and all I can say is Wow!

I have really enjoyed this book! For the next few weeks I will share some parts from some of the chapters. One section in the book that I just recently read was called, ” What makes you look old”. Here author Mathilde lists a few things that Frenchwomen try to avoid:

1. Foundation that’s too thick, too obvious or that isn’t blended well. Having your face be a different tone from your neck or the rest of your body is a definite non. 

2. A super-matte, powdered face.

3. Eyebrows that are too thin or the wrong shape for your face.

4. Neon or super- bright colors. Soften your palette as you get older.

5. Lip liner that is obvious, especially if it’s darker than your lipstick.

6. Yellow teeth

7. Not eating well. When you starve yourself into thinness, it shows on your face. Or when you deprive yourself of delicious food, it makes you feel and look pinched.

8. Not getting enough sleep.

9. Too much stress

10. Not being dynamic. Being out of shape is an instant ager.

These are just a few from the list. I will share more from the book as I continue to read it. It is a wonderful book and I would encourage anyone to buy it!

Photo by Rikonavt on Unsplash

Kate Spade Office Decor

I was in the mall a few weeks ago and saw the new Kate Spade Office line at our Von Maur store!! The items were very cute and tempting. I didn’t buy any yet but I will be taking another visit soon.

The Kate Spade office supplies at our local Von Maur store. 

I love this vase! So chic…

(photos via Mrs. Shockley)