35 Things To Have In Your 30’s

Finding your way as a woman is such a challenge. I make a conscious effort on a daily basis to remind myself of who I am and what I want out of life. I want to keep my goals and dreams in front of me.

I also love the life I am building for myself. I just pray that I continue on the right path. I was reading this list sometime last year called “35 Things a Stylish Woman Should Have in her 30s” and I have to say it is great!

Shannon Ables author of the fantastic blog The Simply Luxurious Life is a great writer and teacher. I love her blog and her fantastic lists! They are so inspiring. I have written about her a few times on my blog 22 Ways to Create a Grown-Up Space, Be Someone of Quality, and Interview Yourself about Your Passions. These are all great articles from Shannon and I know you will enjoy this one to.

These are just a few from the list that I love…..

1. A classic shoe (be it a flat, boot or pump that fits your signature style)

2. A quality timepiece (I added this to my collection recently, see here)

3. A complimentary lip color

4. A work uniform that is appropriate and stylish

5. A signature perfume

6. A preferred flower (or one for each season) 

Photo by La Morena on Unsplash

New Favorite Blog ~French Essence

I love finding great blogs! Especially, when they are about France! I have a fascination with this country. I just love everything about it. I love how they dress, eat and live. So when I stumbled upon Vicki Archer author of French Essence I felt like I was in heaven!

Vicki is an Australian writer who lives between London and Saint Rémy de Provence in southern France. Her blog is so wonderful. I love her lists including this one called Spring-Cleaning: The Way to Rework An Interior

jacques grange french interior designer

jacques grange french interior designer

Her tips called  The Best Kept Beauty Secrets is fantastic. Here is a snippet from her Self-Confidence secret:

Self confidence is by far the most seductive of beauty weapons 
but the hardest to capture.
Self confidence takes dedication, practice and emotional energy. 
It requires bravery at times and a continual faith in ourselves.
Even the most confident of women falter and have times of self doubt.
We all know that some years are better than others.
Self confidence not only makes us appear more beautiful to the outside world 
but also happier and more content within. 
Contentment is the first step to self confidence.
Accepting who we are or working towards who we wish to become will help us to 
become more self assured.

Or you can check out her Summer Party in Provence article. It is magnificent!
Provence, Mas de Berard, Vicki Archer  
Provence, Mas de Berard, Vicki Archer
Whatever entry you stumble on you will be amazed at how well written 
and how beautiful the photos are. So visit French Essence and be inspired!!!

(all photos via Vicki Archer)

Baked Salmon

Salmon is my favorite fish to eat! There are so many benefits to eating it. It is packed with vitamins A, B and D as well as calcium. It also has those wonderful omega 3 fatty acids that help your brain work better and improve memory (see this article about the benefits of eating salmon).

I have been on a salmon “kick” for the last several weeks. I don’t know why but maybe my body is craving those omega fatty acids. I have enjoyed it. Below is my quick and simple recipe for baked salmon. I hope you enjoy it!

My salmon at home

Baked Salmon:

~ Purchase a salmon of your choice and size

~ Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees

~ Place salmon on parchment paper or greased baking pan

~ Sprinkle some olive oil on it (use as much as you wish)

~ Sprinkle salt, pepper, Weber Grill Kickin Chicken (I love this stuff), and then some basil.

~ I then place it in the oven for about 30 minutes and voila. Dinner is served!

(photo via Mrs. Shockley)

The Flower Bed

This spring has been wonderful so far! My husband and I did quite a bit of work this year. We planted some lilac bushes (see my entry here about those), gladiolus, dahlias, lilies and hydrangeas.

We make sure that after we finish house work and dinner that we go outside and enjoy our flowers. It has been such a wonderful blessing! Even my step~sons come out and take a seat.

Our hydrangeas 
The gladiolus 

Our hummingbird feeder

The lilies; the rabbits would not stop eating these!
It was horrible!

I had to cut them down and bring them in the house.
Oh well, at least I still get to enjoy them.
(photos via Mrs. Shockley)

Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life

I love lists! I have a to-do list for home, work, bills, clothes, you name it! So when I find lists on how to organize my life and how to bring elegance into my home, I always feel as though I have hit the jackpot! Last year I posted an entry called 100 Ways to be Elegant which was written by the same person who wrote 100 Ways to Uncomplicate Your life. These lists are wonderful and give great insight on how to bring ideas into your home and give great revelation on how to deal with the issues of life. Here are a few of my favorites from that list…

1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds.

2. Stick to your budget

3. Start saving and investing every week, no matter how little you can spare.

4. Don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people.

5. Don’t try to do business with everyone. Identify your target client and take very good care of them.

6. Before getting angry, ask yourself if it will really matter in 20 years.

7. Focus on being a good person, not on pleasing others

8. Make a weekly menu and shop for only those items at the market

9. If you’re holding on to a ridiculous grudge, let it go

10. Clean your house weekly, so that it doesn’t become too large a chore.

11. Do your best at work, or at school.

12. Cook simple meals

13. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses

14. Pay off your car before buying a new one.

15. Organize your desk at the office.

16. Spend your time with nice people

17. Avoid drama

18. Refuse to gossip, or talk behind other people’s backs

19. Ask nicely for what you need and want.

20. Walk 10,000 steps per day to help your heart.

21. Leave work at work.

22. Don’t ENVY others

23. Weed your garden weekly

24. Wash your car weekly

25. You don’t need to be best friends with work colleagues but build respectful partnerships.

26. Return emails and phone messages promptly

27. Schedule in free time.

28. Start your diet on September 1, rather than January 1, so that you won’t also have holiday pounds to lose.

29. Take care of any health issues or concerns.

30. Don’t let your imagination run away with you

31. Let go of perfection in yourself

32. Drink more water.

33. Eat more salmon

34. Wear your hair in a classic, easy to care for style.

35. Finish what you start

36. Wear classic clothes and shoes that never go out of style.

37. Create a daily routine.

38. Have a 1, 5, 10, and 20-year plan for your financial and life goals.

39. Slow down

40. If a relationship is over, let it go.

Written by DeeAnne from Live the Charmed Life

Vintage Shopping with the Antiques Diva

I love finding great blogs! Especially, when those blogs have great videos about antique shopping. I don’t know if you have heard of the Antiques Diva but you should definitely add her to your list of blogs to read.  If you love Europe and love antiques you will really enjoy her blog.

Toma has one of the largest antique touring companies in Europe. Her and the other “divas” will take you on a tour in Europe to purchase wonderful antique pieces for your home. I love watching her videos of her tours and you will too!

What is Poise?

Being a lady is a missing quality in our world today. If you are not half-naked and rude then it seems that you get any respect. Even women don’t seem to respect other women when they choose to act with some dignity. Sometimes I feel as though the world is going mad! But I refuse to be apart of the decline in manners today.

I came across this blog called Elegant Woman. Once I started reading her articles I could not stop. My favorite one so far is What is Poise? How to be a Woman with Poise. The definition of poise is composure and dignity of manner. It is the graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

The elegant bearing in a person. Wow, just hearing that makes you want to become an elegant woman.  I know to do. There was one paragraph in the article that stayed with me…..

“Being poised is not just having composure, but also having dignity as well.

A poised person has elegant mannerisms. Her movements of her body…have a lot of style. The way she walks, talks, carries herself is fluid and gentle, yet strong and purposeful.

Have you ever been in the lobby of a hotel and suddenly you can’t help but notice a very beautiful woman walking in?

You can’t help but watch as she gets out of the car, smiles at the doorman, and say thank you.

She walks to the front door already opened for her.

She pauses at the entrance, her eyes scanning the room.

Her eyes light up as she spots her date and walks towards him in a bubble of poise.

She is immaculately dressed and exudes a sense of calm confidence. She is unaware of the impact of her presence and how she changed the atmosphere of the room. She made heads turn without knowing simply with her poise. “

(text via the Elegant Woman.com)