Receiving Guest Properly
As most of you know, I am a huge fan of the Daily Connoisseur. Jennifer L. Scott has become one of my favorite authors!! Recently, she discussed a very important subject: Receiving Guest Properly. I thought this was wonderful because I think we all need to be reminded of how to greet our guests when they arrive at our homes. I love Jennifer’s guidelines on how to accomplish this. See her guidelines below and watch the video. It is superb!!!!
1. Get accustomed to using your best- If you use your best on a daily basis, it won’t feel awkward to do so when company comes over.
2. Shed your insecurities and don’t apologize- While it’s important to get your home ready for guests, don’t obsess about the details. Let their knock on the door be a signal for you to drop any insecurities that you may have about the state of your home or whether or not they will like your cooking. Don’t apologize for yourself, your skills or your home. Your guests are most likely just happy to have been invited over!
3. Designate a space for their belongings- Let your guests know where they can place their handbag, coat and umbrella, or place their belongings there for them.
4. Always offer a drink to your guests upon their arrival- It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of seeing your friends, but don’t forget to offer them something to drink when they arrive. They might be really thirsty or would really appreciate a strong cup of coffee.
5. Provide food if your guests are visiting during a mealtime- If you are inviting people over during a mealtime (noon or 7pm, for example) you must provide them with a meal.