Blue Elegance


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I did a little running around. I did not make it to Simply Chic but I did go to Style Encore which is a consignment store near me. I went in and walked right out. I don’t know if it is me, but I saw nothing that I wanted and I saw nothing elegant. I used to be able to find a skirt, a blouse, cardigan, and a handbag. Now it’s all this weird looking stuff that looks like you can wear it at home. 

I don’t know. I feel a little frustrated with fashion recently. Even finding beautiful, elegant dresses for my boutique has been hard and expensive. I also went antiquing. I did not find anything there either. It’s okay. I am on the hunt for a new dining room table and new chair. I will be using that as office furniture, so the hunt continues. 

This morning I am headed to my second house shift duty for the Guild. I will be there for only a half day. Then after that I hope to be picking up my car and then headed to a funeral. Enough sad stuff for today, I did want to share the next Sarah Flint fashion item that is on my radar! 


photos via Sarah Flint. com


I don’t know about you, but I shrieked when I saw this new silk scarf on the Sarah Flint new arrival launch. In all fairness, I saw it weeks ago and shrieked then! It is gorgeous! It’s called the Royal Kingdom Scarf 90 and is a sheer must for my wardrobe.



It is hand painted by an artist named Sucharita Sengupta Suri. Just look at all the details.




I am loving all of the colors, the regal peacocks, cheetahs, and whimsical details. 


photo credits via Sarah



I honestly cannot wait to order this! It’s so beautiful. I wish a had a store close by. I would love to see this in person. What do you all think? Do you love the designs? I know I do. I hope you all enjoy the new collection and of course do not forget to use my code if you find that you cannot live without a pair of her shoes! Use code SARAHFLINT-BASMSSHOCKLEY for $50 off! 

Have a great week everyone! Oh I do have something planned for Wednesday. My group the Guild is a having a flower arranging party! We are going to be making bouquets for patients at the hospital and making one for ourselves! I will be sure to share it on the blog!


This post is sponsored!








New Beauty Product- Dove Lavendar Bar



Good Morning Everyone,

These last few days have been really rough for my family and I. We had to put down our second dog on Monday. He was diagnosed with cancer in October and just became very sick and did not eat hardly any this past weekend. It has been really hard but the good thing was he was older so we were a tad bit more ready for him. We are not getting any more dogs for a while. It is just too hard to say goodbye.

So I plan on doing some things that make me happy this weekend. I plan on visiting a consignment store called Simply Chic. We have three locations and I need to decide which one I will visit. We have Monday off for President’s Day and I have house duty that day for the Guild but after that I want to go and visit Surroundings again. I just love that store!

In today’s post I wanted to share a new beauty product find for me. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


I was in Walgreens looking for other products and spotted this. I use a Dove pink bar every day and have for years. I have seen different scents but I don’t think that I have ever seen a lavender bar scent. I had to buy it to give it a try. 



Now I will start off with the color. Isn’t it just so pleasing to the eye? It looks wonderful in my bath bar dish. The scent is wonderful, and I have using it all week and I will say it smells “very clean”. It’s not a strong heavy perfume scent. It is very light and smells really clean. 

If you love bath bars I would say give Dove a try. This is not sponsored but I genuinely love their products and have for years! I am really curious about the pomegranate and hibiscus tea scent as well. 

Speaking of scents my husband got me a very fragrant and beautiful rose bouquet this year for Valentine’s Day. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day or Galentine’s Day. Have a great weekend!


FrenChic ~ New Antique Store!



Good Morning Everyone,

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know it is tomorrow but I just wanted to say it early. Yesterday Mr. Shockley and I went to a new restaurant. It was called Monterey Cuisine. I ordered the roasted chicken, mushroom risotto, and honey roasted brussel sprouts. My husband got the filet, with house purple mashed potatoes, and broccoli. It was so delicious! We are definitely looking forward to going again. 

If you read my blog post on Friday, then you know that I took the day off went and watched Funny Face at a vintage theater and visited a new antique store. It was such a wonderful day. I went and visited two antique stores. I went to FrenChic first and it was a really cute store. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Walking into the store I spotted this beautiful bird cage and lots of beautiful porcelain surrounding it. 



It spent a lot of time on the first floor looking at all of the art, light fixtures, vintage rugs and jewelry. 




I walked around the corner and saw these huge tassels. I loved the colors! The black and gold looked so sophisticated. I knew that I had to find a place for it in home. 



photo credits: Mrs. Shockley 


I then turned around another corner and saw this gorgeous tablecloth! It was only $20! I had to have it!


You can see my gold tassels in the distance hanging on the curtain rod. 


I purchased the tablecloth and tassels. Once I left there I went and visited Vintage Whimsy . I didn’t see anything there, so I left and headed to the vintage movie theater. I grabbed a small popcorn (no butter) and a small lemonade and went and got a seat. There only about 30 of us in the room and it was wonderful! I sung along and absorbed all of the vintage fashion and decor in the movie. I enjoy Funny Face. It reminds me of the movie called, “The Devil Wears Prada” but I love this so much more! I am thinking about buying it on dvd. I found it on Amazon recently. 

I don’t mind spending days by myself. Never be afraid to explore your city. Find all of the elegant things that you can! Have a great Monday!





Chicken Fetti & Spinach



Good Morning,

I am taking today off! I have been looking forward to this day for a few weeks now! I have been so busy at work. Today I will be going to the vintage movie theater and watching Funny Face on the big screen! Yay! So excited! But before I go and see my show, I will be going to take a peek at the new antique that I found out about called FrenChic. After that I will stop by Vintage Whimsy as well. I am looking forward to having the down time today. It’s been really busy!

With being busy trying to find quick meals during the week has been a challenge as well. I came up with this dinner on the fly and it worked out!



So one day this past week I thought about making my normal chicken fettuccine dinner. I always have a box of shredded chicken and my fav seasonings. I always add some garlic powder, garlic salt, ranch seasoning, salt and pepper. 



I wanted to change it up a bit, so I added some spinach that I had in the refrigerator. I just sautéed everything together and added my seasonings. 



I added my favorite fetti sauce from Bertolli. It turned out so good and tasted good as well!



I love quiet dinners at home with my family. A fancy table setting is not always necessary. Just your favorite flowers, favorite dish and favorite people! Have a great weekend everyone! I will be sure to share my adventures next week!



It’s Friday, shop the boutique, my favorites page or Sarah Flint’s new arrivals. Don’t forget to use my code SARAHFLINT-BASMSSHOCKLEY for $50 off! 









Recent Wants from Amazon



Good Morning,

Nothing like a well resting Sunday. I didn’t do much. Just spent time with family. I am looking at my home binder and trying to figure out what projects we can work on this year. We have a few but everything has just gotten so expensive. It’s get hard trying to figure out priorities. I have been on Amazon quite a bit lately. I am looking for things for Lauren and trying to find home organizational items. Below are a few of the items that caught my eye. 



First were these white and gold velvet hangers. I think these would really elevate the look of my closet. Right now, I have all black hangers and they all match but I believe these would change the look and make it uniform. 



Next is this wicker breakfast tray. I love using trays! I use one every weekend when I am making my breakfast brunch and having my teatime. The one I have is white with marble but I am loving this wicker one. I see my beautiful china and a small flower bud on it now!




Third is this beautiful dress! I love the color and the buttons in the middle. Trying to find conservative but elegant dresses has been getting harder and harder. I am seriously considering to ordering this. It comes in severally different colors and the price of $25 is not bad either. I also found this one and this one



Last are these magazine file boxes. I saw these during the pandemic and wanted to get them but then I completely forgot about them. I love how uniform they look, and I am loving the color. They come in different color options as well. 

There are a ton more items on my Amazon list but this post could get really long. I hope you enjoy my list of wants and have a wonderful Monday!


Speaking of pretty pink dresses don’t forget about the Vera Blush Maxi that I have in stock. I only have 3 left and it would be perfect for a Valentine’s Day date night!




Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.




My First House Shift ~ The Guild



Well Hello to February!

It’s already February 3rd! I am trying to plan my month, but things are up in the air since I got ANOTHER summons for jury duty, and I don’t know the status of my car yet. It is at the collision center, and it will be fixed I just don’t know when I will be getting it back. Our rental is nice but it’s a little too big for me. My husband is enjoying it for sure!

This weekend I have a little bit of running around to do. Lauren has her hair appointment and I need to go and get a few things. I am on the hunt now for a hair stylist. I do miss going to the salon at least once a month, so the hunt has begun.  

Last weekend I got to do something fun. We have started our house shift duties for this year’s Showhouse. The demolition has started on the Showhouse for the year (my Guild group) and the contractors and designers are showing up! My shift was only 4 hours and during that 4 hours you sign in the contractors and designers as they arrive. We have some light housekeeping to do, and we wrap up the light fixtures as they take them down. The other fun thing is seeing the house before and after the changes. Right now, some of the old decor and accessories are still up. I can’t show pictures of everything, but these two things caught my eye. 


photo credit Mrs. Shockley


So this Venetian mirror is in the downstairs bathroom. I love but I think it is going to be taken down and a new mirror will be going up. Such a beautiful feature!




This wallpaper was a second! I just love all of the different chinoiserie jars on this wallpaper. Now how fun is that? I know that this is not staying which is another reason why I wanted to capture it before they took it down. So lovely!

My next house shift duty is not until the end of this month. If I am allowed, I will share another detail that I like. Have a great weekend everyone! 



Don’t forget to shop the boutique! Dresses are still under $30! Valentine’s Day is approaching! 

Trying to Stay in Beauty



Good Morning Everyone,

Sighing…. It has been a long weekend. Nothing really bad just dealing with people. Today I get to take my car to the collision center finally! Driving around my car with dirt on it and with all the damage from the accident has not been fun! But I keep reminding myself that I am still blessed despite the issues going on. 

I was recently inspired by something….


photo via Pinterest


I saw this photo on Pinterest and it inspired me to pull out an antique that I purchased some time ago and use it. Do you see the silver container with the Q-tips in it?


photo via Mrs. Shockley 


I realized that I had something similar to that and decided to pull it out and use it! Now how great is that? I love it! But something also triggered me looking at it. This past weekend my family and I were eating dinner a Chic fil A and my husband noticed a table with two women sitting there. For some reason they were staring at us and had their noses turned up. My husband became irritated but then realized that we can just ignore it. I could not. I then became infuriated and wanted to confront both women at the table. 

I slowly began to talk to myself in my mind and began to rehearse and remember certain scriptures that encouraged me. We then got up from our table and began to walk toward them because we were leaving the restaurant. Once I passed them one with the attitude gave me what I call a “fake smirk”. I then cut my eyes at her and continue to walk. When I turned around, I saw her eyes follow my daughter. I mean she turned her head all the way around! I felt myself turning into the Incredible Hulk! 

I talked myself into leaving and getting into my car but I am going to be honest I wanted to go right back in the restaurant go right up to her face and ask her what her problem was! I have just about had it with women and their attitudes, and it is getting worse! I went to sleep still angry about the situation and woke up the next day feeling horrible. Then I walked by my new antique Q-tip holder. I saw how beautiful it was next to my sink and at the moment I realized who I was. 

I was a woman who created a life built on beauty and elegance and I was letting a stupid moment like that get the best of me and I didn’t like that. I felt defeated for a moment but then I was reminded that I did not act on it. She didn’t win. I did. Because I was the leader, and she was following me. Not the other way around. I remembered Jennifer L. Scott’s quote, ‘be too big too care”. I need to make that my word of the year. People are just nasty in so many ways. I know that the Lord is helping me to find balance in beauty and firmness. I want to be firm when needed and remain in beauty at all times. What are your thoughts? Any recent issues for any of you? Let me know in the comments section below and put out those beautiful antiques to use. Enjoy them!