22 Tips for Creating a Grown Up Space

I have been reading the Simply Luxurious Life Blog for about a year. I love this blog. It has such great articles, tips, and fashion. It is just a great blog!! Here is an article that I have been carrying around in my bag for about 2 weeks.  It is an article that gives you 22 tips for creating a grown-up living space. It is great. Below is the link and a photo of my sitting room in my home. We are almost there!! I just need to get a bigger rug and a few more decorative pieces. Enjoy the blog!


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Habitually Chic®: Chic London Wedding

Habitually Chic®: Chic London Wedding

This is absolutely gorgeous. Just sheer elegance….


Sunday Tea

Happy Sunday,
    Today is a day of relaxing and resting. A day for morning worship and catching up on reading. Today I decided to take some time and read a few things and rest. I have also decided to enjoy a cup of tea. My husband got me this china set from Teavanna a few years ago for my birthday. I think it’s gorgeous and I enjoy using it. I like to encourage all of my friends to use their best and so should you. Enjoy! 

Well Hello

I am Mrs. Shockley and I created this blog as a way to create and share things that I enjoy. I enjoy having a little elegance in life whether it be using china at dinner or having fresh flowers in my home. So please enjoy this blog and share your elegance with me also.  Thank you for reading!