A Beautiful Package…


Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone is well. It’s the middle of May already and we are struggling to get above 30 degrees at night! It’s been so cold. I can’t believe it is still this cold especially in May. Well, this weekend I don’t have much planned. Of course, my normal grocery shopping, and I do want to go to Target. I have 2 gift cards to use. I am sure I can find something good while I am there. 

I do want to share something. I received a wonderful package from a dear reader recently. I won’t share her name but I was astonished when I picked it up from the Post Office. For one it was large and I was not expecting that. 

When I got home to open it all I could do was say, “OH MY”!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


Everything was neatly packaged and boxed. Inside was a copy of a vintage 1995 Victoria magazine, a pearl makeup case, a package of eyelashes, Living in Love by Alexandra Stoddard, and a handwritten note.



I think the item that stopped me in my tracks the most was the Royal Albert gravy boat with a matching saucer!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


I could not believe the kindness of this reader’s heart and the extraordinary gifts that she sent. I will be sure to cherish things and use them. 



I am honored and flattered that someone would send me such wonderful things. Thank you to the reader and thank you to all of you who continue to follow and read the blog. I know that there are some of you who don’t comment but I just want to say thank you for reading and for coming along on the journey. It’s been wonderful so far.

I do want to tell everyone that I am having a cardigan and top sale for the boutique. The fuzzy mauve cardigan is on sale for $15, the ivory & pearl cardigan is on sale for $20, and the lace peplum top is on sale for $10! We also have a new arrival coming soon! I ordered 3 new dresses for the boutique. I hope to receive them all. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 


The Kentucky Derby- Dream Trip


I remember when I was in high school and a friend of mine was telling me about how she was going to the Kentucky Derby. This had to have been around the year 2000 so we were still juniors in high school. I went over to her house to see what she was going to be wearing and she showed me a very skimpy outfit that was very distasteful. Now in my mind, I thought what a minute from the pictures and from what I have seen on T.V. the women at the derby did not dress like that. So what derby was she referring to? 

As I got older I realized that there were different groups that went to the “derby” and she was not in the group that actually attended it. I have always wanted to go to the derby but I actually wanted to be inside the track not hanging around it with skimpy clothes on. 


photo credit: ocregister.com


Last week was the derby and I saw a lot of photos and videos on Instagram of people having “derby parties”. I thought what a fun idea. Especially now during the pandemic, this would be fun and easy to accomplish. But my heart still yearns to actually attend the derby so I have added it to my list of to-dos. 


photo credit: GardenandGun.com


Or should I just throw a Derby party? I don’t know. Honestly, most of the people I know would not even bother wearing a dress let alone a derby hat. I think attending the derby would be the best for me. I really want the experience. Please let me know in the comment section below if you have attended a derby party or have actually gone to the Kentucky Derby! I would love to know what it was like for you and some do’s and don’ts. Please share!!!


Have a great Wednesday! 







A New Philosophy


Good Morning All,

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend! I kept things simple and ordered in some Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I knew the restaurants were going to be packed. When we called they had a 2 and a half hour wait! Prom was going on as well as Mother’s Day. Nightmare….


On Sunday I stayed in. Our weather here was pretty nasty. It poured the whole day so I just got home chores done, worked on the blog, boutique, and bills. Last weekend I did go to Ulta because I saw on Instagram that Philosophy came out with two new facial cleansers for Purity.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


The pink one is called Purity with goji berry extract and it has a wonderful light berry scent to it. It still has the 3 in 1 cleansing method with the meadowfoam seed oil. The goji berry is a superfruit and is known for its antioxidant properties. I use this one in the morning. 

At night I use the Purity with charcoal powder. Now this one has an active carbon and is derived from hardwood. It’s known for its detoxifying properties and ability to absorb oil and sebum. 

I love using both of them. I love the basic Purity Made Simple cleanser. I saw great results when I started using it in 2012. I was actually looking for new cleaners a few months ago and I did not really like the new ones that I purchased. They have not been bad it’s just I love the Purity so much. 

What is your favorite facial cleanser? Do you have a cleanser that you have been using since the beginning of time? I know once I find something it’s hard to let go. I hope you all enjoy this new find and have a great Monday!





Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.


Things I Savor in Life ~ Part 2


Whew… I have finished my first week as a paralegal supervisor and it was a busy week. I am enjoying it so far. I sure hope that this continues. In Wednesday’s post, I talked about how I was missing the arts. I talked about how I am missing the symphony during my lunch breaks, my piano lessons, and my daughter’s violin lessons. I also asked if any of you have any elegant activities which lead me to my 2016 post called “Things I Savor”.

It’s been four years since I wrote that post and some things have changed and some things have not. I wanted to update my list if you guys don’t mind….. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


1) I still enjoy fresh flowers every day and all day. That has not changed and if I can help it never will!


2) Do I still enjoy a new bag…. oh yes! Right not I am still loving my Tory Burch tote with my beautiful blue floral Coach scarf! The combination together is lovely!


3) I am still loving my daughter’s giggle. Although, it is no longer a giggle but a large laugh. It has changed in the last few years. 


4) Still loving my roasted chicken and red potatoes dish. But I am also loving my salmon with brown rice and sauteed spinach. That has become a new weekly favorite!



5) Oh yes, still enjoying the french bread but we are trying different variations of it. We recently found the Cheesecake Factory’s brown wheat bread at Kroger! Game changer!


6) Polished nails? Absolutely! I am still going to the nail salon. I actually started going back in February. I went a year without going. It was hard but worth it in the end. 


7) Am I still wearing kitten heels? OMG! Yes! My Ann Taylor shoes are the perfect kitten heel. Women stop me everywhere about those shoes and they are now 50% off! I just got the second print for $44!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


8) Well in my previous post, I was still taking piano lessons and I really miss that. My boutique has taken the place of those activities. I adore my boutique and I am so excited about some of the new dress arrivals coming soon!


9) Am I still wearing floral perfumes? Oh yes, my most recent love is the Philosophy jasmine scent. It is beautiful!


10) My husband’s haircut….. I still like it. But I am enjoying my new hairstyle! I feel like my appearance has more sophistication to it. I do love it!


11) It has changed from cooked salted broccoli to salted brussel sprouts. Yum!


12) I will always love Louis Vuitton but my heart has begun to venture to other designers and non-designers. I am learning to buy what I love. 


13) In my previous post this was a silk scarf. I still love them of course but for this season I have been enjoying my plush pink cardigans. 




14) 2 Chronicles 20:12


15) Pearl bracelets


16) Blue and white grandmillennial prints (toile)


17) Attending events or having dinner with friends


18) Beautiful bed linens


19) Psalm 37:1


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


20) Berry Tart from Kroger


21) Chris Botti’s “It never entered my mind”. 



22) My morning bubble baths


23) The movie “Three Coins in a Fountain”. The scenery and wardrobe are a dream to me and I love the storyline. 



Well, I think that is enough for now. This list could get really long. My last list had about 40 items. That was too many. I hope you all enjoyed this post and share below some of the things that you savor in life right now. I just realized that I am not reading anything (except for my Bible) right now. I need to find a good novel to read. Until then enjoy your Mother’s Day weekend and don’t forget today is the last day of the boutique’s sale. Use code MTDY25 to get 25% off of your purchase! 




Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link.






Missing the Arts



Good Morning Everyone,

I have officially moved to my new office and everything is in place. I am excited about this new journey. I did order a new piece of art to place on my wall. I can’t wait for it to arrive!

Summer is drawing near and some of my favorite events are starting to pop up on my calendar. During the month of May, I normally check the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra calendar to see what the times, themes, and dates are for the Lunch Break Series. I mentioned this event before and have gone several times. Sadly I don’t think they will be having it this year due to Covid.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

I am going to miss these events so much! I loved going to the symphony during my lunch break. It provided education, culture, food, and socializing. It provided everything an elegant being could want. 

I also really miss my piano lessons from my teacher Ms. Julia. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

Me with my piano teacher Ms. Julia in 2016. 


These lessons gave me something to work toward. It caused me to use my mind in different ways. It encouraged memorization, technique, and note reading. It is truly a subject to study and one that I miss greatly. I still stay in touch with my piano teacher. She misses teaching as well but after COVID hit she had to make some life changes as well.  I also miss taking my daughter to her violin lessons. I didn’t realize how much we were doing until everything stopped. 

What arts are you missing this year? Has the pandemic affected any of your activities? Please share below. I would love to know what some of you do for elegant activities!





Please note: some links are affiliate links and if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission for referring you to the product. Thank you so much in advance if you decide to make a purchase through my link. 


A Delightful Home Tour ~ 2


And a Happy Monday to you all. It’s May already. It’s suppose to be a little warmer this week. I certainly hope so. Today is moving day. I move into my new office today and officially start my new job. On Friday, me and our officer manager took a look at my new space and tried to come up with a way for me to change it. I don’t like the setup now but I am hoping that we can get things moved and into an arrangement that I will enjoy. Fingers crossed!

I wanted to finish my home tour today. There are a few spaces left that I need to share.


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


Now the Study was my second favorite room in the home. Well, maybe a close first to the dining room. I adored this room. I loved the french doors, the navy floor-to-ceiling draperies, and the oriental rug. 





photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


Now I LOVED this desk! Oh my goodness, I just stared at it when I saw it. Isn’t it an elegant dream?



Just sheer beauty. I read in the booklet that Catherine Wright decorated this room and that Solomon Paris Antiques was one of the sources. I looked them up and they are local! I am planning a visit now.  Couldn’t you see yourself in this room with a cup of tea and writing some letters?


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Then we walked upstairs and into the master bedroom suite. 



They had chinoiserie wallpaper! Honestly, I am not a big fan of the bed but it compliments the wallpaper well. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Here is the chinoiserie wallpaper up close. I do love the deep purple and golds. 



What do you guys think about the yellow vintage sofa? I love the structure but the color…. not my taste. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 




Now on to the master bathroom. I do love the dual vanities. Lots of space and beautiful details. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


The lady’s side…..




The walk-in closet which we could not go inside to see… sad face. 



photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 




Loved the light fixtures and details. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


A Juliet balcony… well almost. It is lovely. 




The outside was an oasis itself. The tents housed the gift shops. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


And of course I could not end this post without showing the beautiful pool. The gift shops had jewelry, flowers, cookies, and tea towels. I purchased some baked goods, tea towels and some peony thank you notes. 

I hope you all enjoyed this tour and let me know below which room was your favorite? Have a great Monday!










A Delightful Home Tour ~ 1


Well Hello Friday, and I am tired. For the last two weeks, I have been so busy! With me learning my new role and still trying to keep tabs on my current one it has been very hectic, but I have been down this road before. Yesterday I shared how I would be taking half of the day off to attend the Indiana Decorators’ Show House and Gardens tour! I loved every minute of it. First off I had no kid and no husband, yes! 

Secondly, I was doing something that I love… going to a historical home and looking at beautiful decor. It was a wonderful 2 hours that I got to spend alone and it was so worth it. I will be sure to do it again next year and do it alone. Let me share some of the rooms!


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


This is the home as I walk up the driveway. This home is called the Columns on Meridian and was built in 1930. It is 5,536 feet on the main and upper levels and 2,110 square feet in the basement. 




As you walk in you see this beautiful door and flooring. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


This was the living room. I don’t know the details, unfortunately. I did notice the beautiful Hermes throw in the piano chair. This room was decorated by Audrey Studley of Kittle’s Design Studio. 



This was the sunroom. I wasn’t a fan of the tropical wallpaper but it brightens up the room. The name of the wallpaper is Urban Nature AF440 and provided by Ukuta Lafayette Interior Fashions. 


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


Then I walked into the dining room and saw all this beautiful blue and white china! 



And these gorgeous chandeliers that are original! They have been with the house since 1930! And did you see this beautiful tablesetting?


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 

I wish I knew the sources for everything. I keep searching my booklet for the information but can’t find it. 



This room was my favorite. It was decorated by Rosalind Brinn Pope of Pope Interiors


photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


The chandeliers are original but this insert is not. I do love it. It gave the room a much more custom feel. 





photo credit: Mrs. Shockley


Then you walked into the kitchen which was updated. I love the huge island and the paint color on the kitchen cabinets. I believe it is called cotton ball by Benjamin Moore or it could be Tarrytown Green. 



Lots of color!





photo credit: Mrs. Shockley 


And of course blue and white are throughout the home. I actually love this faux peony arrangement. Well I hope you all have enjoyed this half of the tour. I will share the rest of the home and another favorite room of mine on Monday. If you follow me on Instagram you may get a sneak peek of it sooner. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and don’t forget about the boutique’s Mother’s Day Sale! Use code MTDY25 for 25% off of your order! 


Thanks for reading!